1 bars-and-lines
1.1 bufferline-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.bars-and-lines.bufferline-nvim" }
1.1.1 bufferline.nvim
A snazzy bufferline for Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/akinsho/bufferline.nvim
Note: This also disables the Heirline based tabline
1.2 dropbar-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.bars-and-lines.dropbar-nvim" }
1.2.1 dropbar.nvim
IDE-like breadcrumbs, out of the box
Repository: https://github.com/Bekaboo/dropbar.nvim
Note: This also disables the Heirline based winbar
1.3 feline-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.bars-and-lines.feline-nvim" }
1.3.1 feline.nvim
A minimal, stylish and customizable statusline, statuscolumn, and winbar for Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/freddiehaddad/feline.nvim
Note: This also disables the Heirline based statusline
1.4 lualine-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.bars-and-lines.lualine-nvim" }
1.4.1 lualine.nvim
A blazing fast and easy to configure neovim statusline plugin written in pure lua.
Repository: https://github.com/nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim
Note: This also disables the Heirline based statusline.
1.5 scope-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.bars-and-lines.scope-nvim" }
1.5.1 scope.nvim
Revolutionize Your Neovim Tab Workflow: Introducing Enhanced Tab Scoping!
Repository: https://github.com/tiagovla/scope.nvim
This plugin scopes buffers to tabs, cleaning up tabline plugins like
1.6 smartcolumn-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.bars-and-lines.smartcolumn-nvim" }
1.6.1 smartcolumn.nvim
A Neovim plugin hiding your colorcolumn when unneeded.
Repository: https://github.com/m4xshen/smartcolumn.nvim
1.7 statuscol-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.bars-and-lines.statuscol-nvim" }
1.7.1 statuscol.nvim
Status column plugin that provides a configurable ‘statuscolumn’ and click handlers.
Repository: https://github.com/luukvbaal/statuscol.nvim
Note: This also disables the Heirline based statuscolumn.
1.8 vim-illuminate
{ import = "astrocommunity.bars-and-lines.vim-illuminate" }
1.8.1 vim-illuminate
(Neo)Vim plugin for automatically highlighting other uses of the word under the cursor using either LSP, Tree-sitter, or regex matching.
Repository: https://github.com/RRethy/vim-illuminate
2 code-runner
2.1 compiler-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.code-runner.compiler-nvim" }
2.1.1 Compiler.nvim
Repository: https://github.com/Zeioth/Compiler.nvim
A Neovim compiler for building and running your code without having to configure anything
2.2 conjure
{ import = "astrocommunity.code-runner.conjure" }
2.2.1 Conjure
Interactive evaluation for Neovim (Clojure, Fennel, Janet, Racket, Hy, MIT Scheme, Guile, Python and more!)
Repository: https://github.com/Olical/conjure
2.3 executor-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.code-runner.executor-nvim" }
2.3.1 Executor.nvim
Executor.nvim is a plugin that allows you to run command line tasks in the background and be notified of results.
Repository: https://github.com/google/executor.nvim
2.4 molten-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.code-runner.molten-nvim" }
2.4.1 molten-nvim
A neovim plugin for interactively running code with the jupyter kernel. Fork of magma-nvim with improvements in image rendering, performance, and more. Required Python packages
(for the Remote Plugin API)jupyter_client
(for interacting with Jupyter) Optional Python packages:
(for displaying SVG images with transparency)- If you don’t need transparency, image.nvim can render svg images perfectly fine
(for displaying TeX formulas)plotly
(for displaying Plotly figures)pyperclip
if you want to usemolten_copy_output
for importing and exporting output to jupyter notebooks filespillow
for opening images with:MoltenImagePopup
[!TIP] You can run
to see what you have installed.
[!CAUTION] For up to date docs, visit the repository.
Repository: https://github.com/benlubas/molten-nvim Customizations
This plugin config adds a custom init function for Python venvs. When
calling <Leader>mmp
, we check if a venv is activated.
If it is, we check if a jupyter kernel spec for this venv already exists
and :MoltenInit
this kernel spec. If no kernel spec is
found, we prompt for a unique name, create the kernel spec and
It also adds a status line indication if molten is activated and what kernel is initialized.
[!TIP] When using a global molten venv as described in the repository, we need to set the variable
to the Python executable there, which in AstroNVim is done inAstroCore
in theoptions.g
table, for example:python3_host_prog = vim.fn.expand "~/.virtualenvs/neovim/bin/python3"
2.5 overseer-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.code-runner.overseer-nvim" }
2.5.1 overseer.nvim
A task runner and job management plugin for Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/stevearc/overseer.nvim
2.6 sniprun
{ import = "astrocommunity.code-runner.sniprun" }
2.6.1 sniprun
A neovim plugin to run lines/blocs of code (independently of the rest of the file), supporting multiples languages
Repository: https://github.com/michaelb/sniprun
Sniprun is a code runner plugin for neovim written in Lua and Rust. It aims to provide stupidly fast partial code testing for interpreted and compiled languages. Sniprun blurs the line between standard save/run workflow, jupyter-like notebook, and REPL/interpreters.
2.7 toggletasks-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.code-runner.toggletasks-nvim" }
2.7.1 toggletasks.nvim
Neovim task runner: JSON/YAML + toggleterm.nvim + telescope.nvim.
Repository: https://github.com/jedrzejboczar/toggletasks.nvim
2.8 vim-slime
{ import = "astrocommunity.code-runner.vim-slime" }
2.8.1 vim-slime
A vim plugin to give you some slime. (Emacs)
Repository: https://github.com/jpalardy/vim-slime
3 color
3.1 ccc-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.color.ccc-nvim" }
3.1.1 ccc.nvim
Color picker and highlighter plugin for Neovim.
Repository: https://github.com/uga-rosa/ccc.nvim
3.2 headlines-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.color.headlines-nvim" }
3.2.1 headlines.nvim
This plugin adds horizontal highlights for text filetypes, like markdown, orgmode, and neorg.
Repository: https://github.com/lukas-reineke/headlines.nvim
3.3 huez-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.color.huez-nvim" }
3.3.1 huez.nvim
All things color related. All Lua.
Repository: https://github.com/vague2k/huez.nvim
3.4 mini-hipatterns
{ import = "astrocommunity.color.mini-hipatterns" }
3.4.1 mini.hipatterns
Neovim Lua plugin to highlight patterns in text. Part of ‘mini.nvim’ library.
Repository: https://github.com/echasnovski/mini.hipatterns
3.5 modes-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.color.modes-nvim" }
3.5.1 modes.nvim
Prismatic line decorations for the adventurous vim user
Repository: https://github.com/mvllow/modes.nvim
Note: This also disables which-key
operators in Neovim as this conflicts with this plugin.
3.6 nvim-highlight-colors
{ import = "astrocommunity.color.nvim-highlight-colors" }
3.6.1 nvim-highlight-colors
Highlight colors for neovim
Repository: https://github.com/brenoprata10/nvim-highlight-colors
3.7 tint-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.color.tint-nvim" }
3.7.1 tint.nvim
Dim inactive windows in Neovim using window-local highlight namespaces.
Repository: https://github.com/levouh/tint.nvim
3.8 transparent-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.color.transparent-nvim" }
3.8.1 transparent.nvim
Remove all background colors to make nvim transparent
Repository: https://github.com/xiyaowong/transparent.nvim
3.9 twilight-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.color.twilight-nvim" }
3.9.1 twilight.nvim
🌅 Twilight is a Lua plugin for Neovim 0.5 that dims inactive portions of the code you’re editing using TreeSitter.
Repository: https://github.com/folke/twilight.nvim
3.10 vim-highlighter
{ import = "astrocommunity.color.vim-highlighter" }
3.10.1 vim-highlighter
Highlight words and expressions
Repository: https://github.com/azabiong/vim-highlighter
A Neovim plugin which extends Vim’s highlighting capabilities with additional features such as jump to highlights, saving and loading, finding patterns, and customizing colors. It can be a useful tool when analyzing code, reviewing and summaries.
Access commands descriptions by visual selecting text and pressing ‘f’.
4 colorscheme
4.1 aurora
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.aurora" }
4.1.1 aurora
A vivid dark theme for (Neo)Vim. Optimized for treesitter, LSP.
Repository: https://github.com/ray-x/aurora
" Vim Script
colorscheme aurora
4.2 bamboo-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.bamboo-nvim" }
4.2.1 bamboo.nvim
Dark green theme for Neovim forked from OneDark.nvim
Repository: https://github.com/ribru17/bamboo.nvim
4.3 bluloco-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.bluloco-nvim" }
4.3.1 bluloco.nvim
bluloco theme port for neovim
Repository: https://github.com/uloco/bluloco.nvim
" Vim Script
colorscheme bluloco-dark
colorscheme bluloco-light
4.4 catppuccin
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.catppuccin" }
4.4.1 catppuccin
🍨 Soothing pastel theme for (Neo)vim
Repository: https://github.com/catppuccin/nvim
4.5 citruszest-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.citruszest-nvim" }
4.5.1 cistruszest.nvim
A vibrant and refreshing neovim colorscheme inspired by citrus fruits.
Repository: https://github.com/zootedb0t/citruszest.nvim
" Vim Script
colorscheme citruszest
4.6 cyberdream-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.cyberdream-nvim" }
4.6.1 cyberdream.nvim
🤖💤 High-contrast, Futuristic & Vibrant color scheme for Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/scottmckendry/cyberdream.nvim
" Vim Script
colorscheme cyberdream
4.7 dracula-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.dracula-nvim" }
4.7.1 dracula.nvim
Dracula colorscheme for neovim written in Lua
Repository: https://github.com/Mofiqul/dracula.nvim
" Vim Script
colorscheme dracula
" or:
colorscheme dracula-soft
4.8 eldritch-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.eldritch-nvim" }
4.8.1 eldritch.nvim
A theme for the Ancient Ones! (NVIM)
Repository: https://github.com/eldritch-theme/eldritch.nvim
" Vim Script
colorscheme eldritch
4.9 everblush-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.everblush-nvim" }
4.9.1 everblush.nvim
A dark, vibrant, and beautiful color scheme for Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/Everblush/nvim
4.10 everforest
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.everforest" }
4.10.1 everforest
🌲 Comfortable & Pleasant Color Scheme for Vim
Repository: https://github.com/sainnhe/everforest
4.11 fluoromachine-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.fluoromachine-nvim" }
4.11.1 Fluormachine.nvim
Synthwave x Fluoromachine port for Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/maxmx03/fluoromachine.nvim
4.12 github-nvim-theme
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.github-nvim-theme" }
4.12.1 Github Nvim theme
Github’s Neovim themes
Repository: https://github.com/projekt0n/github-nvim-theme Usage
In your plugins/astroui.lua
file, put:
return {
opts = {
colorscheme = "github_dark",
Or whichever colorscheme you’d want.
4.13 gruvbox-baby
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.gruvbox-baby" }
4.13.1 gruvbox-baby
Gruvbox theme for neovim with full 🎄TreeSitter support.
Repository: https://github.com/luisiacc/gruvbox-baby
Gruvbox theme variant with full treesitter support!
4.14 gruvbox-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.gruvbox-nvim" }
4.14.1 gruvbox.nvim
Lua port of the most famous vim colorscheme
Repository: https://github.com/ellisonleao/gruvbox.nvim
A port of gruvbox community theme to lua with treesitter support!
To change options:
opts = {
italic = {
strings = true,
comments = true,
folds = true,
operations = false,
Other options can be found in the official README: https://github.com/ellisonleao/gruvbox.nvim#configuration
4.15 helix-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.helix-nvim" }
4.15.1 Helix-nvim
Helix Editor default theme implementation for Neovim.
Repository: https://github.com/oneslash/helix-nvim
4.16 horizon-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.horizon-nvim" }
4.16.1 horizon.nvim
A beautifully warm color scheme for Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/LunarVim/horizon.nvim
4.17 hybrid-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.hybrid-nvim" }
4.17.1 hybdrid.nvim
A dark Neovim theme written in Lua
Repository: https://github.com/HoNamDuong/hybrid.nvim
" Vim Script
colorscheme hybrid
4.18 iceberg-vim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.iceberg-vim" }
4.18.1 iceberg.vim
🇦🇶 Bluish color scheme for Vim and Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/cocopon/iceberg.vim
4.19 kanagawa-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.kanagawa-nvim" }
4.19.1 kanagawa.nvim
NeoVim dark colorscheme inspired by the colors of the famous painting by Katsushika Hokusai.
Repository: https://github.com/rebelot/kanagawa.nvim
4.20 kanagawa-paper-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.kanagawa-paper-nvim" }
4.20.1 kanagawa-paper.nvim
Remixed Kanagawa colourscheme with muted colors. For Neovim.
Repository: https://github.com/sho-87/kanagawa-paper.nvim Enabling the colorscheme
return {
---@type AstroUIOpts
opts = {
colorscheme = "kanagawa-paper",
4.21 lackluster-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.lackluster-nvim" }
4.21.1 lackluster.nvim
A delightful mostly grayscale colorscheme thats soft on the eyes, and supports heaps of plugins
Repository: https://github.com/slugbyte/lackluster.nvim
" Vim Script
colorscheme lackluster
colorscheme lackluster-night
colorscheme lackluster-mint
colorscheme lackluster-dark
4.22 melange-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.melange-nvim" }
4.22.1 melange.nvim
🗡️ Warm color scheme for Neovim and beyond
Repository: https://github.com/savq/melange-nvim
4.23 mellifluous-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.mellifluous-nvim" }
4.23.1 mellifluous.nvim
Pleasant and productive color scheme for Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/ramojus/mellifluous.nvim
" Vim Script
colorscheme mellifluous
4.24 mellow-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.mellow-nvim" }
4.24.1 mellow.nvim
A soothing dark color scheme for neovim and friends.
Repository: https://github.com/kvrohit/mellow.nvim
4.25 miasma-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.miasma-nvim" }
4.25.1 miasma.nvim
A fog descends upon your editor ☁ dark color scheme inspired by the woods for vim and neovim
Repository: https://github.com/xero/miasma.nvim
" Vim Script
colorscheme miasma
4.26 mini-base16
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.mini-base16" }
4.26.1 mini.base16
Neovim Lua plugin for Base16 colorscheme creation. Part of ‘mini.nvim’ library.
Repository: <https://github.com/echasnovski/mini.base16>
4.27 modus-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.modus-nvim" }
4.27.1 modus.nvim
Highly accessible themes for Neovim, conforming with the highest standard for color contrast between background and foreground values (WCAG AAA). A Neovim port of the original Modus Themes built for GNU Emacs.
Repository: https://github.com/miikanissi/modus-themes.nvim
" Vim Script
colorscheme modus
colorscheme modus_operandi
colorscheme modus_vivendi
4.28 monokai-pro-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.monokai-pro-nvim" }
4.28.1 monokai-pro.nvim
Monokai Pro theme for Neovim written in Lua, with multiple filters: Pro, Classic, Machine, Octagon, Ristretto, Spectrum
Repository: https://github.com/loctvl842/monokai-pro.nvim
A professional theme for neovim. The following filters are available:
By default, it is set to pro
. To change the filter to,
e.g., machine
, you can add the following to your
config = function()
require("monokai-pro").setup {
filter = "machine", -- classic | octagon | pro | machine | ristretto | spectrum
4.29 neofusion-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.neofusion-nvim" }
4.29.1 neofusion.nvim
nvim theme blending lava red and ice blue for a vibrant coding experience ✨
Repository: https://github.com/diegoulloao/neofusion.nvim
" Vim Script
colorscheme neofusion
4.30 neosolarized-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.neosolarized-nvim" }
4.30.1 neosolarized.nvim
Truecolor solarized theme for neovim in Lua using colorbuddy
Repository: https://github.com/svrana/neosolarized.nvim
4.31 night-owl-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.night-owl-nvim" }
4.31.1 night-owl.nvim
🦉 🌌 Night Owl colorscheme implementation for Neovim with support for Treesitter and semantic tokens
Repository: https://github.com/oxfist/night-owl.nvim
" Vim Script
colorscheme night-owl
4.32 nightfox-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.nightfox-nvim" }
4.32.1 nightfox.nvim
🦊A highly customizable theme for vim and neovim with support for lsp, treesitter and a variety of plugins.
Repository: https://github.com/EdenEast/nightfox.nvim
4.33 nord-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.nord-nvim" }
4.33.1 nord.nvim
Neovim theme based off of the Nord Color Palette, written in lua with tree sitter support
Repository: https://github.com/shaunsingh/nord.nvim
Note: Until the maintainer fixes the problem, the
theme is incompatible with semantic tokens (issue, you
therefore have to turn off the feature otherwise many tokens will be the
same color. (put this in the polish
function of
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("LspAttach", {
callback = function(args)
local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(args.data.client_id)
client.server_capabilities.semanticTokensProvider = nil
4.34 nordic-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.nordic-nvim" }
4.34.1 nordic.nvim
🌒 Nord for Neovim, but warmer and darker. Supports a variety of plugins and other platforms.
Repository: <https://github.com/AlexvZyl/nordic.nvim>
" Vim Script
colorscheme nordic
4.35 nvim-juliana
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.nvim-juliana" }
4.35.1 nvim-juliana
Port of Sublime’s Mariana Theme to Neovim for short attention span devs.
Repository: https://github.com/kaiuri/nvim-juliana
You can also set it to use other palettes like, for example:
---@generic K: "light" | "dark"
---@param mode K
local gruvbox = function(mode)
---@param tbl table<`K`, string>
---@return string
local function pick(tbl)
return tbl[mode]
return {
bg1 = pick { light = '#fff7d5', dark = '#32302e' },
bg2 = pick { light = '#fff5cb', dark = '#282828' },
bg3 = pick { light = '#fff2bc', dark = '#242424' },
blue1 = pick { light = '#076578', dark = '#83a598' },
blue2 = pick { light = '#074f78', dark = '#458588' },
cyan1 = pick { light = '#689d69', dark = '#8ec07c' },
cyan2 = pick { light = '#23693e', dark = '#689d6a' },
diff_add = pick { light = '#c7d4c4', dark = '#343427' },
diff_change = pick { light = '#eadba9', dark = '#3e3428' },
diff_remove = pick { light = '#eac4a9', dark = '#3c2828' },
diff_text = pick { light = '#ffe789', dark = '#32302e' },
fg1 = pick { light = '#282828', dark = '#fff5cb' },
fg2 = pick { light = '#353535', dark = '#ebdbb2' },
fg3 = pick { light = '#797467', dark = '#928374' },
fg4 = pick { light = '#938e80', dark = '#665c54' },
green = pick { light = '#228b22', dark = '#a8a920' },
magenta = pick { light = '#8f3f71', dark = '#c2748f' },
orange = pick { light = '#f71d05', dark = '#fb4834' },
red1 = pick { light = '#cc241d', dark = '#d44333' },
red2 = pick { light = '#9d0006', dark = '#cc231d' },
selection_bg = pick { light = '#ffeda3', dark = '#423d39' },
text_fg = pick { light = '#282828', dark = '#eadbb5' },
yellow1 = pick { light = '#cba200', dark = '#fabd2f' },
yellow2 = pick { light = '#ab7b1a', dark = '#e8ab28' },
yellow3 = pick { light = '#996814', dark = '#d79a21' },
opts = {
colors = gruvbox('dark')
4.36 oldworld-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.oldworld-nvim" }
4.36.1 oldworld.nvim
OldWorld is a theme heavily based on mellow.nvim but adding new colors and new integrations with different plugins.
Repository: https://github.com/dgox16/oldworld.nvim
" Vim Script
colorscheme oldworld
4.37 onedarkpro-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.onedarkpro-nvim" }
4.37.1 onedarkpro.nvim
🎨 Atom’s iconic One Dark theme, for Neovim. Fully customisable, with Treesitter and LSP semantic token support
Repository: https://github.com/olimorris/onedarkpro.nvim
4.38 oxocarbon-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.oxocarbon-nvim" }
4.38.1 oxocarbon.nvim
A dark and light Neovim theme written in fennel, inspired by IBM Carbon.
Repository: https://github.com/nyoom-engineering/oxocarbon.nvim
4.39 palenight-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.palenight-nvim" }
4.39.1 palenight.nvim
Palenight.nvim is a fast and modern colorscheme that supports the new Neovim features like builtin LSP and Treesitter and several plugins
Repository: https://github.com/wilmanbarrios/palenight.nvim
4.40 poimandres-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.poimandres-nvim" }
4.40.1 poimandres
Poimandres colorscheme for Neovim written in Lua
Repository: https://github.com/olivercederborg/poimandres.nvim
🍨 Soothing theme for (Neo)vim.
4.41 rose-pine
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.rose-pine" }
4.41.1 rose-pine
Soho vibes for Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/rose-pine/neovim
4.42 solarized-osaka-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.solarized-osaka-nvim" }
4.42.1 solarized-osaka.nvim
🏯 A clean, dark Neovim theme written in Lua, with support for lsp, treesitter and lots of plugins.
Repository: https://github.com/craftzdog/solarized-osaka.nvim
" Vim Script
colorscheme solarized-osaka
4.43 sonokai
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.sonokai" }
4.43.1 sonokai
High Contrast & Vivid Color Scheme based on Monokai Pro
Repository: https://github.com/sainnhe/sonokai
4.44 tokyodark-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.tokyodark-nvim" }
4.44.1 tokyodark.nvim
A clean dark theme written in lua for neovim.
Repository: https://github.com/tiagovla/tokyodark.nvim
" Vim Script
colorscheme tokyodark
4.45 tokyonight-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.tokyonight-nvim" }
4.45.1 tokyonight.nvim
🏙 A clean, dark Neovim theme written in Lua, with support for lsp, treesitter and lots of plugins. Includes additional themes for Kitty, Alacritty, iTerm and Fish.
Repository: <https://github.com/folke/tokyonight.nvim>
" Vim Script
colorscheme tokyonight
" There are also colorschemes for the different styles
colorscheme tokyonight-night
colorscheme tokyonight-storm
colorscheme tokyonight-day
colorscheme tokyonight-moon
4.46 vim-dogrun
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.vim-dogrun" }
4.46.1 vim-dogrun
🐶 A dark Neovim / Vim colorscheme for the GUI and 256 / true-color terminals.
Repository: https://github.com/wadackel/vim-dogrun
" Vim Script
colorscheme dogrun
4.47 vim-moonfly-colors
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.vim-moonfly-colors" }
4.47.1 moonfly
⚫️ A dark charcoal theme for modern Neovim & classic Vim
Repository: https://github.com/bluz71/vim-moonfly-colors.git
4.48 vim-nightfly-colors
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.vim-nightfly-colors" }
4.48.1 nightly
A dark midnight theme for modern Neovim & classic Vim
Repository: https://github.com/bluz71/vim-nightfly-colors
4.49 vscode-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.vscode-nvim" }
4.49.1 vscode.nvim
Neovim/Vim color scheme inspired by Dark+ and Light+ theme in Visual Studio Code
Repository: https://github.com/Mofiqul/vscode.nvim
5 comment
5.1 mini-comment
{ import = "astrocommunity.comment.mini-comment" }
5.1.1 mini.comment
Neovim Lua plugin for fast and familiar per-line commenting. Part of ‘mini.nvim’ library.
Repository: https://github.com/echasnovski/mini.comment
5.2 ts-comments-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.comment.ts-comments-nvim" }
5.2.1 🚀 ts-comments.nvim
Requirements: Neovim v0.10+
Tiny plugin to enhance Neovim’s native comments
Repository: https://github.com/folke/ts-comments.nvim
6 completion
6.1 avante-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.completion.avante-nvim" }
Avante.nvim is a Neovim plugin that emulates the Cursor AI IDE’s functionality. It provides AI-driven code suggestions and allows users to apply these recommendations directly to their source files with minimal effort.
is currently only compatible with Neovim 0.10.1 or later.
For more information, please refer to:
Repository: https://github.com/yetone/avante.nvim
6.2 blink-cmp
{ import = "astrocommunity.completion.blink-cmp" }
6.2.1 Blink Completion (blink.cmp)
Performant, batteries-included completion plugin for Neovim Requirements
needs to be in the$PATH
so that the core binaries can be built.
Repository: https://github.com/Saghen/blink.cmp
6.3 cmp-calc
{ import = "astrocommunity.completion.cmp-calc" }
6.3.1 cmp-calc
Calculation source for nvim-cmp
Repository: https://github.com/hrsh7th/cmp-calc
6.4 cmp-cmdline
{ import = "astrocommunity.completion.cmp-cmdline" }
6.4.1 Cmp Cmd
nvim-cmp source for vim’s cmdline.
Repository: https://github.com/hrsh7th/cmp-cmdline
6.5 cmp-emoji
{ import = "astrocommunity.completion.cmp-emoji" }
6.5.1 cmp-emoji
nvim-cmp source for emoji
Repository: https://github.com/hrsh7th/cmp-emoji
6.6 cmp-git
{ import = "astrocommunity.completion.cmp-git" }
6.6.1 cmp-git
Git source for nvim-cmp
Repository: https://github.com/petertriho/cmp-git
6.7 cmp-latex-symbols
{ import = "astrocommunity.completion.cmp-latex-symbols" }
6.7.1 cmp-latex-symbols
Add latex symbol support for nvim-cmp.
Repository: https://github.com/kdheepak/cmp-latex-symbols
6.8 cmp-nerdfont
{ import = "astrocommunity.completion.cmp-nerdfont" }
6.8.1 cmp-nerdfont
nvim-cmp source for nerdfont
Repository: https://github.com/chrisgrieser/cmp-nerdfont
6.9 cmp-nvim-lua
{ import = "astrocommunity.completion.cmp-nvim-lua" }
6.9.1 cmp-nvim-lua
nvim-cmp source for neovim Lua API.
Repository: https://github.com/hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lua
6.10 cmp-spell
{ import = "astrocommunity.completion.cmp-spell" }
6.10.1 cmp-spell
spell source for nvim-cmp based on vim’s spellsuggest.
Repository: https://github.com/f3fora/cmp-spell
6.11 cmp-tmux
{ import = "astrocommunity.completion.cmp-tmux" }
6.11.1 cmp-tmux
Tmux completion source for nvim-cmp.
Repository: https://github.com/andersevenrud/cmp-tmux
This extension pulls text from your current tmux session and provides it as a completion source.
By default this extension uses adjacent panes as sources. See configuration to enable all panes.
6.12 cmp-under-comparator
{ import = "astrocommunity.completion.cmp-under-comparator" }
6.12.1 cmp-under-comparator
A tiny function for nvim-cmp to better sort completion items that start with one or more underlines.
In most languages, especially Python, items that start with one or more underlines should be at the end of the completion suggestion.
Repository: https://github.com/lukas-reineke/cmp-under-comparator
6.13 codeium-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.completion.codeium-nvim" }
6.13.1 codeium-nvim
A native neovim extension for Codeium
:Codeium Auth
- to set up the plugin:Codeium Chat
- Open chat in browser
Repository: https://github.com/Exafunction/codeium.nvim
Note: You need to auth first before usage
6.14 codeium-vim
{ import = "astrocommunity.completion.codeium-vim" }
6.14.1 codeium.vim
Free, ultrafast Copilot alternative for Vim and Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/Exafunction/codeium.vim
Basic setup for codeium
: accept suggestion
: next suggestion
: previous suggestion
: clear suggestions
toggle on/off Codeium
Note: You need to auth first before usage
6.15 copilot-cmp
{ import = "astrocommunity.completion.copilot-cmp" }
6.15.1 copilot.lua within CMP
Fully featured & enhanced replacement for copilot.vim complete with API for interacting with Github Copilot
Repositories: https://github.com/zbirenbaum/copilot.lua https://github.com/zbirenbaum/copilot-cmp
Note: This plugin will also reconfigure cmp
add copilot
as a completion source Note 2: This
configuration adds a nerdfont icon for copilot using
. If you are using regular characters, you can
change it in your plugin setup, using the key Copilot
’s buffer_map
6.16 copilot-lua-cmp
{ import = "astrocommunity.completion.copilot-lua-cmp" }
6.16.1 copilot.lua + CMP
Fully featured & enhanced replacement for copilot.vim complete with API for interacting with Github Copilot
Repository: https://github.com/zbirenbaum/copilot.lua Key Features
- Seamless integration with nvim-cmp or blink.cmp
- Enhanced keybindings for Copilot suggestions:
- Accept suggestion/Navigate completion menu<C-x>
- Next/Previous suggestion<C-right>
- Accept word<C-down>
- Accept line<C-c>
- Dismiss suggestion
Note: This plugin will also reconfigure
in AstroNvim to work with both auto completion
in cmp
and copilot
The configuration includes support for nvim-cmp and blink.cmp for improved completion behavior.
6.17 copilot-lua
{ import = "astrocommunity.completion.copilot-lua" }
6.17.1 copilot.lua
Fully featured & enhanced replacement for copilot.vim complete with API for interacting with Github Copilot
Repository: https://github.com/zbirenbaum/copilot.lua
6.18 coq_nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.completion.coq_nvim" }
6.18.1 coq.nvim
Fast as FUCK nvim completion. SQLite, concurrent scheduler, hundreds of hours of optimization.
Repository: https://github.com/ms-jpq/coq_nvim
6.19 fittencode-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.completion.fittencode-nvim" }
6.19.1 fittencode.nvim
Fitten Code AI Programming Assistant for Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/luozhiya/fittencode.nvim Default Mappings
Mappings | Action |
Tab |
Accept all suggestions |
Ctrl + ⬇️ |
Accept line |
Ctrl + ➡️ |
Accept word |
Note: You need to auth first before usage - Run Fitten login
6.20 magazine-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.completion.magazine-nvim" }
6.20.1 magazine.nvim
[!NOTE] Magazine is a fork of
. The way this plugin is setup is to hijack into an existingnvim-cmp
installation. So make sure thatnvim-cmp
is still installed and enabled for this plugin to work and all configuration is still done throughnvim-cmp
as normal.
Magazine.nvim is a “beta” nvim-cmp to fix bugs & implement new features early
Repository: https://github.com/iguanacucumber/magazine.nvim
6.21 mini-completion
{ import = "astrocommunity.completion.mini-completion" }
6.21.1 mini.completion
Neovim Lua plugin for completion and signature help. Part of ‘mini.nvim’ library.
Repository: https://github.com/echasnovski/mini.completion
6.22 nvim-cmp-buffer-lines
{ import = "astrocommunity.completion.nvim-cmp-buffer-lines" }
6.22.1 nvim-cmp-buffer-lines
nvim-cmp source for buffer lines
Repository: https://github.com/amarakon/nvim-cmp-buffer-lines
Replaces the <C-x><C-l>
whole line
complete, instead of being included in the usual completion menu.
6.23 supermaven-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.completion.supermaven-nvim" }
6.23.1 supermaven-nvim
[!NOTE] You should probably read their Code Policy before running this plugin, if code retention concerns you.
The official Neovim plugin for Supermaven.
Upon startup, you will be prompted to either use the Free Tier with
the command :SupermavenUseFree
or to activate a Supermaven
Pro subscription by following a link, which will connect your Supermaven
- Accept suggestion:
- Clear suggestion:
- Accept word:
Repository: https://github.com/supermaven-inc/supermaven-nvim
6.24 tabby-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.completion.tabby-nvim" }
6.24.1 tabby-nvim
Tabby is a self-hosted AI coding assistant that can suggest multi-line code or full functions in real-time.
Repository: https://github.com/TabbyML/vim-tabby Default Mappings
Mappings | Action |
<C-e> |
Accept completion |
Ctrl + \ |
Trigger/Dismiss | Known Conflicts
- Tabby internally utilizes the
command to insert the completion. If you have mapped<C-R>
to other functions, you won’t be able to accept the completion. In such scenarios, you may need to manually modify the functiontabby#Accept()
6.25 tabnine-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.completion.tabnine-nvim" }
6.25.1 tabnine-nvim
Repository: https://github.com/codota/tabnine-nvim
Tabnine client for Neovim.
7 debugging
7.1 nvim-bqf
{ import = "astrocommunity.debugging.nvim-bqf" }
7.1.1 nvim-bqf
DEPRECATED Use the new location: quickfix/nvim-bqf
7.2 nvim-chainsaw
{ import = "astrocommunity.debugging.nvim-chainsaw" }
7.2.1 nvim-chainsaw
Speed up log creation. Create various kinds of language-specific log statements, such as logs of variables, assertions, or time-measuring.
Note: We do not expose any keys or mappings. Please see the Usage section of the plugin docs.
Repository: https://github.com/chrisgrieser/nvim-chainsaw
7.3 nvim-dap-repl-highlights
{ import = "astrocommunity.debugging.nvim-dap-repl-highlights" }
7.3.1 nvim-dap-repl-highlights
Add syntax highlighting to the nvim-dap REPL buffer using treesitter.
Repository: https://github.com/LiadOz/nvim-dap-repl-highlights
7.4 nvim-dap-view
{ import = "astrocommunity.debugging.nvim-dap-view" }
7.4.1 nvim-dap-view
minimalistic nvim-dap-ui alternative
Repository: https://github.com/igorlfs/nvim-dap-view
7.5 nvim-dap-virtual-text
{ import = "astrocommunity.debugging.nvim-dap-virtual-text" }
7.5.1 nvim-dap-virtual-text
This plugin adds virtual text support to nvim-dap
is used to find variable definitions.
Repository: https://github.com/theHamsta/nvim-dap-virtual-text
The hlgroup
for the virtual text is
(linked to Comment). Exceptions that
caused the debugger to stop are displayed as
(linked to
). Changed and new variables will
be highlighted with NvimDapVirtualTextChanged
linked to DiagnosticVirtualTextWarn
7.6 persistent-breakpoints-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.debugging.persistent-breakpoints-nvim" }
7.6.1 persistent-breakpoints.nvim
Neovim plugin for persistent breakpoints.
Repository: https://github.com/Weissle/persistent-breakpoints.nvim
Persistent-breakpoints is a lua plugin for Neovim to save the nvim-dap’s checkpoints to file and automatically load them when you open neovim. It is based on the code in here, but has better performance and some bugs are fixed.
7.7 telescope-dap-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.debugging.telescope-dap-nvim" }
7.7.1 telescope-dap.nvim
Integration for nvim-dap
This plugin is also overriding dap
, so running any dap
command, which makes
use of the internal ui, will result in a telescope
Repository: https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope-dap.nvim
8 diagnostics
8.1 error-lens-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.diagnostics.error-lens-nvim" }
8.1.1 error-lens.nvim
An enhanced visual diagnostic display for Neovim, inspired by the Error Lens extension for Visual Studio Code.
Repository: https://github.com/chikko80/error-lens.nvim
8.2 lsp_lines-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.diagnostics.lsp_lines-nvim" }
8.2.1 lsp_lines.nvim
lsp_lines is a simple neovim plugin that renders diagnostics using virtual lines on top of the real line of code.
Repository: https://git.sr.ht/~whynothugo/lsp_lines.nvim
8.3 tiny-inline-diagnostic-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.diagnostics.tiny-inline-diagnostic-nvim" }
8.3.1 tiny-inline-diagnostic.nvim
A Neovim plugin that display prettier diagnostic messages. Display one line diagnostic messages where the cursor is, with icons and colors.
Repository: https://github.com/rachartier/tiny-inline-diagnostic.nvim
Note: This sets the Astrocore diagnostics to level 2
8.4 trouble-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.diagnostics.trouble-nvim" }
8.4.1 trouble.nvim
🚦 A pretty diagnostics, references, telescope results, quickfix and location list to help you solve all the trouble your code is causing.
Repository: https://github.com/folke/trouble.nvim
Note: This plugin will also configure mappings to enable
integration with todo-comments.nvim
if it’s being imported
and enabled another place.
9 docker
9.1 lazydocker
{ import = "astrocommunity.docker.lazydocker" }
9.1.1 lazydocker.nvim
A simple terminal UI for both docker and docker-compose.
Repository: https://github.com/mgierada/lazydocker.nvim
10 editing-support
10.1 auto-save-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.auto-save-nvim" }
10.1.1 auto-save.nvim
🧶 Automatically save your changes in NeoVim
Repository: https://github.com/okuuva/auto-save.nvim
10.2 bigfile-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.bigfile-nvim" }
10.2.1 bigfile.nvim
Make editing big files faster 🚀
Repository: https://github.com/LunarVim/bigfile.nvim
Note: This plugin will also disable the build in
feature in AstroCore
10.3 chatgpt-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.chatgpt-nvim" }
10.3.1 chatGPT.nvim
Plugin that enables you to interact with chat-GPT, straight from neovim.
Repository: https://github.com/jackMort/ChatGPT.nvim
Before enabling it, set environment variable called $OPENAI_API_KEY which you can obtain here: https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys
ChatGPT is a Neovim plugin that allows you to effortlessly utilize the OpenAI ChatGPT API, empowering you to generate natural language responses from OpenAI’s ChatGPT directly within the editor in response to your inquiries.
10.4 cloak-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.cloak-nvim" }
10.4.1 Cloak.nvim
Cloak allows you to overlay *’s over defined patterns in defined files.
Repository: https://github.com/laytan/cloak.nvim
10.5 comment-box-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.comment-box-nvim" }
10.5.1 Comment-box.nvim
✨ Clarify and beautify your comments using boxes and lines.
Repository: https://github.com/LudoPinelli/comment-box.nvim
10.6 conform-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.conform-nvim" }
10.6.1 conform.nvim
Lightweight yet powerful formatter plugin for Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/stevearc/conform.nvim
10.7 copilotchat-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.copilotchat-nvim" }
10.7.1 CopilotChat.nvim
Chat with GitHub Copilot in Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/CopilotC-Nvim/CopilotChat.nvim
Note: This will need to have Copilot setup, this uses the same auth
as zbirenbaum/copilot.lua
:Copilot setup
10.8 cutlass-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.cutlass-nvim" }
10.8.1 cutlass.nvim
Plugin that adds a ‘cut’ operation separate from ‘delete’
Repository: https://github.com/gbprod/cutlass.nvim
Cutlass overrides the delete operations to actually just delete and not affect the current yank.
This plugin also adds the leap.nvim
integration if the
plugin is present.
10.9 dial-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.dial-nvim" }
10.9.1 dial.nvim
enhanced increment/decrement plugin for Neovim.
Repository: https://github.com/monaqa/dial.nvim
10.10 hypersonic-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.hypersonic-nvim" }
10.10.1 Hypersonic.nvim
A Neovim plugin that provides an explanation for regular expressions.
Repository: https://github.com/tomiis4/hypersonic.nvim
10.11 mini-operators
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.mini-operators" }
10.11.1 mini-operators
Text edit operators. Part of ‘mini.nvim’ library.
Repository: https://github.com/echasnovski/mini.operators
10.12 mini-splitjoin
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.mini-splitjoin" }
10.12.1 mini.splitjoin
Neovim Lua plugin to split and join arguments. Part of ‘mini.nvim’ library.
Repository: https://github.com/echasnovski/mini.splitjoin
10.13 multicursors-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.multicursors-nvim" }
10.13.1 multicursors.nvim
A multi cursor plugin for Neovim. Repository: https://github.com/smoka7/multicursors.nvim
10.14 multiple-cursors-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.multiple-cursors-nvim" }
10.14.1 multiple-cursors.nvim
A multi-cursor plugin for Neovim that works in normal, insert/replace, or visual modes, and with almost every command
Repository: https://github.com/brenton-leighton/multiple-cursors.nvim
10.15 neogen
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.neogen" }
10.15.1 neogen
A better annotation generator. Supports multiple languages and annotation conventions.
Repository: https://github.com/danymat/neogen
10.16 nvim-context-vt
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.nvim-context-vt" }
10.16.1 nvim-context-vt
Virtual text context for neovim treesitter
Repository: https://github.com/andersevenrud/nvim_context_vt
10.17 nvim-devdocs
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.nvim-devdocs" }
10.17.1 nvim-devdocs
Repository: https://github.com/warpaint9299/nvim-devdocs
nvim-devdocs is a plugin which brings DevDocs documentations into neovim. Install, search and preview documentations directly inside neovim in markdown format with telescope integration. You can also use custom commands like glow to render the markdown for a better experience.
Astrocommunity note: glow render will work out of the box if you have it on your PATH
10.18 nvim-origami
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.nvim-origami" }
10.18.1 nvim-origami
Fold with relentless elegance.
Repository: https://github.com/chrisgrieser/nvim-origami
10.19 nvim-parinfer
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.nvim-parinfer" } nvim-parinfer
parinfer for Neovim
Supported Languages: Clojure, Scheme, LISP, Racket, Hy, Fennel, Janet, Carp, Wast, Yuck, Dune
Repository: https://github.com/gpanders/nvim-parinfer
10.20 nvim-regexplainer
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.nvim-regexplainer" }
10.20.1 nvim-regexplainer
Describe the regexp under the cursor
Repository: https://github.com/bennypowers/nvim-regexplainer
Toggle it with gR
10.21 nvim-treesitter-context
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.nvim-treesitter-context" }
10.21.1 nvim-treesitter-context
Show code context.
Repository: https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-context
10.22 nvim-treesitter-endwise
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.nvim-treesitter-endwise" } nvim-treesitter-endwise
This is a simple plugin that helps to end certain structures automatically. In Ruby, this means adding end after if, do, def, etc. This even works for languages nested inside other, such as Markdown with a Lua code block!
Supported Languages: Ruby, Lua, Vimscript, Bash, Elixir, Fish
Repository: https://github.com/RRethy/nvim-treesitter-endwise
10.23 nvim-treesitter-sexp
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.nvim-treesitter-sexp" } nvim-treesitter-sexp
A plugin for Neovim for editing code by manipulating the Treesitter AST. Basically a reimplementation of vim-sexp using treesitter queries. This is particularly useful for editing Lisps and manipulating data structures
Supported Languages: Clojure, Fennel, Janet, Query
Repository: https://github.com/PaterJason/nvim-treesitter-sexp
10.24 nvim-ts-rainbow
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.nvim-ts-rainbow" }
10.24.1 nvim-ts-rainbow
Rainbow parentheses for neovim using tree-sitter.
Repository: https://github.com/mrjones2014/nvim-ts-rainbow
Note: This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 7, 2023. It is now read-only.
As recommended by the author of this plugin, you might want to use nvim-ts-rainbow2
10.25 nvim-ts-rainbow2
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.nvim-ts-rainbow2" }
10.25.1 nvim-ts-rainbow2
Rainbow delimiters for Neovim through Tree-sitter
Repository: https://github.com/HiPhish/nvim-ts-rainbow2
Note: This plugin has been deprecated in favor of the new rainbow-delimiters.nvim
This is a hard fork of the nvim-ts-rainbow package & is recommended over it.
10.26 rainbow-delimiters-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.rainbow-delimiters-nvim" }
10.26.1 rainbow-delimiters.nvim
Rainbow delimiters for Neovim with Tree-sitter
Repository: https://github.com/HiPhish/rainbow-delimiters.nvim
This is a hard fork of the nvim-ts-rainbow2 plugin & is recommended over it.
10.27 refactoring-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.refactoring-nvim" }
10.27.1 refactoring.nvim
The Refactoring library based off the Refactoring book by Martin Fowler
Repository: https://github.com/ThePrimeagen/refactoring.nvim
10.28 stickybuf-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.stickybuf-nvim" }
10.28.1 stickybuf.nvim
Neovim plugin for locking a buffer to a window
Have you ever accidentally opened a file into your file explorer or quickfix window?
Repository: https://github.com/stevearc/stickybuf.nvim
10.29 suda-vim
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.suda-vim" }
10.29.1 suda.vim
🥪 An alternative sudo.vim for Vim and Neovim, limited support sudo in Windows
Repository: https://github.com/lambdalisue/suda.vim
suda is a plugin to read or write files with sudo command.
10.30 telescope-undo-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.telescope-undo-nvim" }
10.30.1 telescope-undo.nvim
A telescope extension to view and search your undo tree 🌴
Repository: https://github.com/debugloop/telescope-undo.nvim
10.31 text-case-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.text-case-nvim" }
10.31.1 text-case.nvim
An all in one plugin for converting text case in Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/johmsalas/text-case.nvim
10.32 todo-comments-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.todo-comments-nvim" }
10.32.1 todo-comments.nvim
✅ Highlight, list and search todo comments in your projects
Repository: https://github.com/folke/todo-comments.nvim
Note: This plugins is part of AstroNvim core as of v4.0.0
10.33 treesj
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.treesj" }
10.33.1 treesj
Neovim plugin for splitting/joining blocks of code
Repository: https://github.com/Wansmer/treesj
10.34 true-zen-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.true-zen-nvim" }
10.34.1 true-zen.nvim
🦝 Clean and elegant distraction-free writing for NeoVim
Repository: https://github.com/Pocco81/true-zen.nvim
10.35 ultimate-autopair-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.ultimate-autopair-nvim" }
10.35.1 ultimate-autopair.nvim
Repository https://github.com/altermo/ultimate-autopair.nvim
- Replace nvim-autopairs with ultimate-autopair.nvim.
- Setup rule to automatically disable pairing while editing comments.
- Maintain
UI toggle keymap and notification previously used for nvim-autopair.
10.36 undotree
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.undotree" }
10.36.1 undotree
The undo history visualizer for VIM
Repository: https://github.com/mbbill/undotree
10.37 vim-doge
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.vim-doge" }
10.37.1 vim-doge
(Do)cumentation (Ge)nerator for nearly 20 languages 📚 Generate proper code documentation with a single keypress. ⚡️🔥
Repository: https://github.com/kkoomen/vim-doge
10.38 vim-move
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.vim-move" }
10.38.1 vim-move
Moves lines and selections in a more visual manner
Repository: https://github.com/matze/vim-move
10.39 vim-visual-multi
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.vim-visual-multi" }
10.39.1 vim-visual-multi
Multiple cursors plugin for vim/neovim.
Repository: https://github.com/mg979/vim-visual-multi
10.40 wildfire-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.wildfire-nvim" }
10.40.1 wildfire.nvim
Wildfire burns treesitter
Repository: https://github.com/SUSTech-data/wildfire.nvim
Smart selection of the closest text object. A modern successor to wildfire.vim, empowered with the superpower of treesitter.
10.41 yanky-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.yanky-nvim" }
10.41.1 yanky.nvim
Improved Yank and Put functionalities for Neovim.
Repository: https://github.com/gbprod/yanky.nvim
10.42 zen-mode-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.zen-mode-nvim" }
10.42.1 zen-mode.nvim
🧘 Distraction-free coding for Neovim
Disables diagnostics, indentation, and winbar when entering Zen Mode.
Optionally disables mini.indentscope and offscreen matchups for vim-matchup, if installed.
Repository: https://github.com/folke/zen-mode.nvim
11 file-explorer
11.1 mini-files
{ import = "astrocommunity.file-explorer.mini-files" }
11.1.1 mini.files
Status: Beta
Neovim Lua plugin to navigate and manipulate file system. Part of mini.nvim library
For any issues that’s causes by mini.nvim
itself, please
report those here:
Repository: https://github.com/echasnovski/mini.nvim/blob/main/readmes/mini-files.md
Navigate and manipulate file system
11.2 oil-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.file-explorer.oil-nvim" }
11.2.1 oil.nvim
Neovim file explorer: edit your filesystem like a buffer
Repository: https://github.com/stevearc/oil.nvim
11.3 telescope-file-browser-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.file-explorer.telescope-file-browser-nvim" }
11.3.1 telescope-file-browser.nvim
File Browser extension for telescope.nvim
Repository: https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope-file-browser.nvim
12 fuzzy-finder
12.1 fzf-lua
{ import = "astrocommunity.fuzzy-finder.fzf-lua" }
12.1.1 fzf-lua
Improved fzf.vim written in lua
Repository: https://github.com/ibhagwan/fzf-lua
12.2 namu-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.fuzzy-finder.namu-nvim" }
12.2.1 namu.nvim
Flexible and sleek fuzzy picker, LSP symbol navigator, and more. Powered by builtin Selecta, inspired by Zed.
Repository: https://github.com/bassamsdata/namu.nvim
12.3 snacks-picker
{ import = "astrocommunity.fuzzy-finder.snacks-picker" }
12.3.1 snacks.picker
Snacks now comes with a modern fuzzy-finder to navigate the Neovim universe.
Repository: https://github.com/folke/snacks.nvim/blob/main/docs/picker.md
12.4 telescope-zoxide
{ import = "astrocommunity.fuzzy-finder.telescope-zoxide" }
12.4.1 telescope-zoxide
An extension for telescope.nvim that allows you operate zoxide within Neovim.
Repository: https://github.com/jvgrootveld/telescope-zoxide
13 game
13.1 leetcode-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.game.leetcode-nvim" }
13.1.1 leetcode.nvim
A Neovim plugin enabling you to solve LeetCode problems.
Repository: https://github.com/kawre/leetcode.nvim
14 git
14.1 blame-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.git.blame-nvim" }
14.1.1 blame.nvim
Neovim fugitive style git blame plugin
Repository: https://github.com/FabijanZulj/blame.nvim
Adds git blame visualizer.
14.2 diffview-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.git.diffview-nvim" }
14.2.1 diffview.nvim
Single tabpage interface for easily cycling through diffs for all modified files for any git rev.
Repository: https://github.com/sindrets/diffview.nvim
14.3 fugit2-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.git.fugit2-nvim" }
14.3.1 fugit2.nvim
A porcelain git helper inside Neovim powered by libgit2
- libgit2 portable git implementation
Repository: https://github.com/SuperBo/fugit2.nvim
14.4 gist-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.git.gist-nvim" }
14.4.1 gist-nvim
gist.nvim is a Neovim plugin that allows you to create a GitHub Gist from the current file. The plugin uses the gh command-line tool to create the Gist and provides a simple interface for specifying the Gist’s description and privacy settings.
Repository https://github.com/rawnly/gist.nvim
command-line tool to create the Gist.
14.5 git-blame-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.git.git-blame-nvim" }
14.5.1 git-blame.nvim
Git Blame plugin for Neovim written in Lua
Repository: https://github.com/f-person/git-blame.nvim
Adds git-blame info to all lines.
14.6 gitgraph-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.git.gitgraph-nvim" }
14.6.1 gitgraph.nvim
Git Graph plugin for neovim
Repository https://github.com/isakbm/gitgraph.nvim
14.7 gitlinker-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.git.gitlinker-nvim" }
14.7.1 gitlinker-nvim
A lua neovim plugin to generate shareable file permalinks (with line ranges) for several git web frontend hosts. Inspired by tpope/vim-fugitive’s :GBrowse
Repository: https://github.com/linrongbin16/gitlinker.nvim
14.8 mini-diff
{ import = "astrocommunity.git.mini-diff" }
14.8.1 mini.diff
Work with diff hunks. Part of ‘mini.nvim’ library.
Repository: https://github.com/echasnovski/mini.diff
14.9 mini-git
{ import = "astrocommunity.git.mini-git" }
14.9.1 mini.git
Neovim Lua plugin to automate tracking of Git related data.
Repository: https://github.com/echasnovski/mini-git
Git integration
14.10 neogit
{ import = "astrocommunity.git.neogit" }
14.10.1 neogit
magit for neovim
Repository: https://github.com/TimUntersberger/neogit
A work-in-progress Magit clone for Neovim that is geared toward the Vim philosophy.
14.11 nvim-tinygit
{ import = "astrocommunity.git.nvim-tinygit" }
14.11.1 nvim-tinygit
Lightweight and nimble git client for nvim.
Repository: https://github.com/chrisgrieser/nvim-tinygit
14.12 octo-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.git.octo-nvim" }
14.12.1 octo.nvim
Edit and review GitHub issues and pull requests from the comfort of your favorite editor
Repository: https://github.com/pwntester/octo.nvim
14.13 openingh-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.git.openingh-nvim" }
14.13.1 openingh.nvim
Open file or project in GitHub for neovim written in lua
Repository: https://github.com/Almo7aya/openingh.nvim
Opens the current file or project page in GitHub.
15 icon
15.1 mini-icons
{ import = "astrocommunity.icon.mini-icons" }
15.1.1 mini.icons
Icon provider. Part of ‘mini.nvim’ library.
Repository: https://github.com/echasnovski/mini.icons
16 indent
16.1 indent-blankline-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.indent.indent-blankline-nvim" }
16.1.1 indent-blankline.nvim
Indent guides for Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/lukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvim
Adds indentation guides to all lines (including empty lines), looks cool together with mini-identscope
16.2 indent-rainbowline
{ import = "astrocommunity.indent.indent-rainbowline" }
16.2.1 indent-rainbowline.nvim
Provides rainbow indentation like indent-rainbow in Visual Studio Code Extension
Repository: https://github.com/TheGLander/indent-rainbowline.nvim
16.3 indent-tools-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.indent.indent-tools-nvim" }
16.3.1 indent-tools.nvim
Neovim pluging for dealing with indentations
Repository: https://github.com/arsham/indent-tools.nvim
16.4 mini-indentscope
{ import = "astrocommunity.indent.mini-indentscope" }
16.4.1 mini.identscope
Neovim Lua plugin to visualize and operate on indent scope. Part of ‘mini.nvim’ library.
Repository: https://github.com/echasnovski/mini.indentscope
Visualize and operate on indent scope, looks cool with indent-blankline-nvim together
17 keybinding
17.1 hydra-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.keybinding.hydra-nvim" }
17.1.1 Hydra.nvim
Create custom submodes and menus
Repository: https://github.com/anuvyklack/hydra.nvim
This implements configuration of Hydra.nvim through the
table to make it easier for the user to configure
various Hydra heads as well as allow AstroCommunity entries to also
provide Hydra heads if it makes sense. Here is an example of defining a
Hydra using the opts
return {
opts = {
-- the first key is the name if name isn't set in the table
["Side scroll"] = {
mode = "n",
body = "z",
heads = {
{ "h", "5zh", { desc = "←" } },
{ "l", "5zl", { desc = "→" } },
{ "H", "zH", { desc = "half screen ←" } },
{ "L", "zL", { desc = "half screen →" } },
For advanced users, this also makes the resulting Hydra objects
available through the use of the AstroCore utility:
. Here is an example of retrieving the Hydra
object during runtime:
require("lazy").load { plugins = { "hydra.nvim" } } -- load Hydra before loading opts
local hydra_opts = require("astrocore").plugin_opts "hydra.nvim" -- get the plugin options
local side_scroll_hydra = hydra_opts["Side scroll"].hydra -- get the created hydra by key name
side_scroll_hydra:activate() -- use the object like normal
17.2 mini-clue
{ import = "astrocommunity.keybinding.mini-clue" }
17.2.1 Mini.clue
Show next key clues. Part of the mini.nvim library.
Repository: https://github.com/echasnovski/mini.clue
17.3 nvcheatsheet-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.keybinding.nvcheatsheet-nvim" }
17.3.1 nvcheatsheet.nvim
NvChad cheatsheet as a standalone neovim plugin
Repository: https://github.com/smartinellimarco/nvcheatsheet.nvim
18 lsp
18.1 actions-preview-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.lsp.actions-preview-nvim" }
18.1.1 Actions Preview
Fully customizable previewer for LSP code actions.
Repository: https://github.com/aznhe21/actions-preview.nvim
18.2 coc-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.lsp.coc-nvim" }
18.2.1 Conqueror of Completion
Nodejs extension host for vim & neovim, load extensions like VSCode and host language servers.
Repository: https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim
18.3 delimited-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.lsp.delimited-nvim" }
18.3.1 delimited.nvim
A tidy, more informative goto_{next,prev} for Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/mizlan/delimited.nvim
18.4 garbage-day-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.lsp.garbage-day-nvim" }
18.4.1 garbage-day.nvim
Garbage collector that stops inactive LSP clients to free RAM.
Repository: https://github.com/zeioth/garbage-day.nvim
18.5 inc-rename-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.lsp.inc-rename-nvim" }
18.5.1 inc-rename.nvim
Incremental LSP renaming based on Neovim’s command-preview feature.
Repository: https://github.com/smjonas/inc-rename.nvim
18.6 lsp-inlayhints-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.lsp.lsp-inlayhints-nvim" }
18.6.1 lsp-inlayhints.nvim
Repository: https://github.com/lvimuser/lsp-inlayhints.nvim
Partial implementation of LSP inlay hint.
18.7 lsp-lens-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.lsp.lsp-lens-nvim" }
18.7.1 lsp-lens.nvim
Neovim plugin for displaying reference and definition info upon functions like JB’s IDEA.
Repository: https://github.com/VidocqH/lsp-lens.nvim
18.8 lsp-signature-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.lsp.lsp-signature-nvim" }
18.8.1 lsp_signature.nvim
Repository: https://github.com/ray-x/lsp_signature.nvim
Show function signature when you type.
Additional hint is visually distracting therefore “hint_enable” option is set to false.
18.9 lsplinks-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.lsp.lsplinks-nvim" }
18.9.1 lsplinks.nvim
LSP textDocument/documentLink
support for neovim
Repository: https://github.com/icholy/lsplinks.nvim
18.10 lspsaga-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.lsp.lspsaga-nvim" }
18.10.1 lspsaga.nvim
improve neovim lsp experience
Repository: https://github.com/nvimdev/lspsaga.nvim
18.11 nvim-java
{ import = "astrocommunity.lsp.nvim-java" }
18.11.1 nvim-java
Painless Java in Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/nvim-java/nvim-java
18.12 nvim-lint
{ import = "astrocommunity.lsp.nvim-lint" }
18.12.1 nvim-lint
An asynchronous linter plugin for Neovim complementary to the built-in Language Server Protocol support.
Repository: https://github.com/mfussenegger/nvim-lint
18.13 nvim-lsp-endhints
{ import = "astrocommunity.lsp.nvim-lsp-endhints" }
18.13.1 nvim-lsp-endhints
Display LSP inlay hints at the end of the line, rather than within the line.
Repository: https://github.com/chrisgrieser/nvim-lsp-endhints
18.14 nvim-lsp-file-operations
{ import = "astrocommunity.lsp.nvim-lsp-file-operations" }
18.14.1 nvim-lsp-file-operations
Repository: https://github.com/antosha417/nvim-lsp-file-operations
Neovim plugin that adds support for file operations using built-in
LSP by integrating with nvim-tree
18.15 ts-error-translator-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.lsp.ts-error-translator-nvim" }
18.15.1 ts-error-translator.nvim
A Neovim port of Matt Pocock’s ts-error-translator for VSCode for turning messy and confusing TypeScript errors into plain English.
Repository: https://github.com/dmmulroy/ts-error-translator.nvim
19 markdown-and-latex
19.1 glow-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.markdown-and-latex.glow-nvim" }
19.1.1 glow.nvim
A markdown preview directly in your neovim.
Repository: https://github.com/ellisonleao/glow.nvim
19.2 markdown-preview-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.markdown-and-latex.markdown-preview-nvim" }
19.2.1 markdown-preview.nvim
This plugin requires Node.js to be installed on your system. Without it, the installation process will fail, and the plugin won’t work.
markdown preview plugin for (neo)vim
Repository: https://github.com/iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim
Preview markdown on your modern browser with synchronised scrolling and flexible configuration
19.3 markmap-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.markdown-and-latex.markmap-nvim" }
19.3.1 markmap.nvim
Visualize your Markdown as mindmaps with markmap
Repository: https://github.com/Zeioth/markmap.nvim
Note: This plugin requires markmap-cli
to be
installed. This can be done with npm install -g markmap-cli
or yarn global add markmap-cli
19.4 markview-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.markdown-and-latex.markview-nvim" }
19.4.1 markview.nvim
An experimental markdown previewer for Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/OXY2DEV/markview.nvim
19.5 peek-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.markdown-and-latex.peek-nvim" }
19.5.1 peek.nvim
Markdown preview plugin for Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/toppair/peek.nvim
19.6 render-markdown-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.markdown-and-latex.render-markdown-nvim" }
19.6.1 render-markdown.nvim
Plugin to improve viewing Markdown files in Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/MeanderingProgrammer/render-markdown.nvim
19.7 vimtex
{ import = "astrocommunity.markdown-and-latex.vimtex" }
19.7.1 VimTeX
VimTeX: A modern Vim and neovim filetype plugin for LaTeX files.
Repository: https://github.com/lervag/vimtex
- sets
to false by default.
20 media
20.1 codesnap-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.media.codesnap-nvim" }
20.1.1 CodeSnap.nvim
📸 Snapshot plugin with rich features that can make pretty code snapshots for Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/mistricky/codesnap.nvim
This plugin spec defaults the save_path
The latest version of CodeSnap does not support Windows. If you are a Windows user, this plugin will pin the latest compatible version, which is 0.0.11.
If you already have this plugin installed on your computer, make sure to delete the current version by running the following command:
:Lazy clean codesnap.nvim
20.2 cord-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.media.cord-nvim" }
20.2.1 cord.nvim
🚀 Discord Rich Presence for Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/vyfor/cord.nvim
20.3 drop-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.media.drop-nvim" }
20.3.1 drop.nvim
🍁 Fun little plugin that can be used as a screensaver and on your dashboard
Repository: https://github.com/folke/drop.nvim
20.4 image-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.media.image-nvim" }
20.4.1 image.nvim
This plugin attempts to add image support to Neovim.
Repository: https://github.com/3rd/image.nvim
Works with Kitty + Tmux, and it handles painful things like rendering an image at a given position in a buffer, scrolling, windows, etc.
It has built-in Markdown and Neorg integrations that you can use right now. It can also render image files as images when opened.
These are things you have to setup on your own
- Kitty >= 28.0 - for the kitty backend
- ueberzugpp - for the ueberzug backend
- curl - for remote images
This plugin is configured to be used with kitty terminal
20.5 img-clip-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.media.img-clip-nvim" }
20.5.1 📋 img-clip.nvim
Effortlessly embed images into any markup language, like LaTeX, Markdown or Typst
Repository: https://github.com/HakonHarnes/img-clip.nvim
20.6 neocord-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.media.neocord-nvim" }
20.6.1 neocord.nvim
Discord Rich Presence for Neovim (Fork of presence.nvim)
Repository: https://github.com/IogaMaster/neocord
20.7 pets-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.media.pets-nvim" }
20.7.1 pets.nvim
Display pets in your editor 🐱
Repository: https://github.com/giusgad/pets.nvim
20.8 presence-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.media.presence-nvim" }
20.8.1 presence.nvim
Discord Rich Presence for Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/andweeb/presence.nvim
20.9 vim-wakatime
{ import = "astrocommunity.media.vim-wakatime" }
20.9.1 vim-wakatime
Vim plugin for automatic time tracking and metrics generated from your programming activity.
Repository: https://github.com/wakatime/vim-wakatime
21 motion
21.1 before-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.motion.before-nvim" }
21.1.1 before.nvim
Plugin for Neovim which tracks edit locations
Repository: https://github.com/bloznelis/before.nvim
21.2 flash-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.motion.flash-nvim" }
21.2.1 flash.nvim
lets you navigate your code with search
labels, enhanced character motions, and Treesitter integration.
Repository: https://github.com/folke/flash.nvim ✨ Features
- 🔍 Search Integration: integrate
flash.nvim with your regular search using
. Labels appear next to the matches, allowing you to quickly jump to any location. Labels are guaranteed not to exist as a continuation of the search pattern. - ⌨️ type as many characters as you want before using a jump label.
- ⚡ Enhanced
motions - 🌳 Treesitter Integration: all parents of the Treesitter node under your cursor are highlighted with a label for quick selection of a specific Treesitter node.
- 🎯 Jump Mode: a standalone jumping mode similar to search
- 🔎 Search Modes:
(regex), andfuzzy
search modes - 🪟 Multi Window jumping
- 🌐 Remote Actions: perform motions in remote locations
- ⚫ dot-repeatable jumps
- 📡 highly extensible: check the examples
21.3 flit-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.motion.flit-nvim" }
21.3.1 flit.nvim
Enhanced f/t motions for Leap
Repository: https://github.com/ggandor/flit.nvim
f/F/t/T motions on steroids, building on the Leap interface.
21.4 grapple-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.motion.grapple-nvim" }
21.4.1 Grapple.nvim
Neovim plugin for tagging important files
Repository: https://github.com/cbochs/grapple.nvim Example of a custom Heirline component for AstroNvim
local status = require "astrocore.status"
status.component.grapple = {
provider = function()
local available, grapple = pcall(require, "grapple")
if available then
return grapple.statusline()
Example Configuration:
return {
plugins = {
opts = function(_, opts)
local status = require("astrocore.status")
-- custom heirline statusline component for grapple
status.component.grapple = {
provider = function()
local available, grapple = pcall(require, "grapple")
if available then
return grapple.statusline()
opts.statusline = {
hl = { fg = "fg", bg = "bg" },
status.component.grapple, -- load the custom component
status.component.file_info { filetype = {}, filename = false, file_modified = false },
status.component.mode { surround = { separator = "right" } },
21.5 harp-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.motion.harp-nvim" }
21.5.1 harp.nvim
Neovim integration for use with harp
Repository: https://github.com/Thorinori/harp-nvim
21.6 harpoon
{ import = "astrocommunity.motion.harpoon" }
21.6.1 Harpoon
Repository: https://github.com/ThePrimeagen/harpoon
Getting you where you want with the fewest keystrokes.
21.7 hop-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.motion.hop-nvim" }
21.7.1 hop.nvim
Neovim motions on speed!
Repository: https://github.com/smoka7/hop.nvim
Hop is an EasyMotion-like plugin allowing you to jump anywhere in a document with as few keystrokes as possible. It does so by annotating text in your buffer with hints, short string sequences for which each character represents a key to type to jump to the annotated text. Most of the time, those sequences’ lengths will be between 1 to 3 characters, making every jump target in your document reachable in a few keystrokes.
21.8 leap-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.motion.leap-nvim" }
21.8.1 leap.nvim
Neovim’s answer to the mouse 🦘
Repository: https://github.com/ggandor/leap.nvim
21.9 marks-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.motion.marks-nvim" }
21.9.1 marks.nvim
A better user experience for interacting with and manipulating Vim marks. Requires Neovim 0.5+.
Repository: https://github.com/chentoast/marks.nvim Features
- view marks in the sign column
- quickly add, delete, and toggle marks
- cycle between marks
- preview marks in floating windows
- extract marks to quickfix/location list
- set bookmarks with sign/virtual text annotations for quick navigation across buffers
21.10 mini-ai
{ import = "astrocommunity.motion.mini-ai" }
21.10.1 mini.ai
Neovim Lua plugin to extend and create a
textobjects. Part of ‘mini.nvim’ library.
Repository: https://github.com/echasnovski/mini.ai
Extend and create a/i textobjects
21.11 mini-basics
{ import = "astrocommunity.motion.mini-basics" }
21.11.1 mini.basics
Neovim Lua plugin with common configuration presets for options, mappings, and autocommands. Part of ‘mini.nvim’ library.
Repository: https://github.com/echasnovski/mini.basics
21.12 mini-bracketed
{ import = "astrocommunity.motion.mini-bracketed" }
21.12.1 mini.bracketed
Neovim Lua plugin to go forward/backward with square brackets. Part of ‘mini.nvim’ library.
Repository: https://github.com/echasnovski/mini.bracketed
21.13 mini-move
{ import = "astrocommunity.motion.mini-move" }
21.13.1 mini.move
Neovim Lua plugin to move any selection in any direction. Part of ‘mini.nvim’ library.
Repository: https://github.com/echasnovski/mini.move
21.14 mini-surround
{ import = "astrocommunity.motion.mini-surround" }
21.14.1 mini.surround
Neovim Lua plugin with fast and feature-rich surround actions. Part of ‘mini.nvim’ library.
Repository: https://github.com/echasnovski/mini.surround
Fast and feature-rich surround actions
21.15 nvim-spider
{ import = "astrocommunity.motion.nvim-spider" }
21.15.1 nvim-spider
Use the w, e, b motions like a spider. Move by subwords and skip insignificant punctuation.
Repository: https://github.com/chrisgrieser/nvim-spider
21.15.2 Features Subword Motion
-- positions vim's `w` will move to
local myVariableName = FOO_BAR_BAZ
-- ^ ^ ^
-- positions spider's `w` will move to
local myVariableName = FOO_BAR_BAZ
-- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Skipping Insignificant Punctuation
foo == bar .. "baz"
-- ^ ^ significant punctuation
-- ^ ^ ^ insignificant punctuation
21.16 nvim-surround
{ import = "astrocommunity.motion.nvim-surround" }
21.16.1 nvim-surround
Add/change/delete surrounding delimiter pairs with ease. Written with ❤️ in Lua.
Repository: https://github.com/kylechui/nvim-surround
Surround selections, stylishly. Usage
The three “core” operations of
can be done
with the keymaps ys{motion}{char}
, ds{char}
and cs{target}{replacement}
, respectively. For the
following examples, *
will denote the cursor position:
Old text Command New text
surr*ound_words ysiw) (surround_words)
*make strings ys$" "make strings"
[delete ar*ound me!] ds] delete around me!
remove <b>HTML t*ags</b> dst remove HTML tags
'change quot*es' cs'" "change quotes"
<b>or tag* types</b> csth1<CR> <h1>or tag types</h1>
delete(functi*on calls) dsf function calls
Detailed information on how to use this plugin can be found in :h nvim-surround.usage
21.17 nvim-tree-pairs
{ import = "astrocommunity.motion.nvim-tree-pairs" }
21.17.1 nvim-tree-pairs
NeoVim plugin for jumping to the other end of the current Tree-sitter node
Repository: https://github.com/yorickpeterse/nvim-tree-pairs
21.18 portal-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.motion.portal-nvim" }
21.18.1 portal.nvim
Neovim plugin for improved location list navigation
Repository: https://github.com/cbochs/portal.nvim
21.19 tabout-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.motion.tabout-nvim" }
21.19.1 tabout.nvim
tabout plugin for neovim
Repository: https://github.com/abecodes/tabout.nvim
21.20 vim-matchup
{ import = "astrocommunity.motion.vim-matchup" }
21.20.1 vim-matchup
vim match-up: even better % 👊 navigate and highlight matching words 👊 modern matchit and matchparen. Supports both vim and neovim + tree-sitter.
Repository: https://github.com/andymass/vim-matchup
match-up is a plugin that lets you highlight, navigate, and operate
on sets of matching text. It extends vim’s %
key to
language-specific words instead of just single characters.
22 neovim-lua-development
22.1 helpview-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.neovim-lua-development.helpview-nvim" }
22.1.1 helpview.nvim
Decorations for vimdoc/help files in Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/OXY2DEV/helpview.nvim
22.2 lazydev-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.neovim-lua-development.lazydev-nvim" }
22.2.1 lazydev.nvim
Faster LuaLS setup for Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/folke/lazydev.nvim
Note: This plugins is part of AstroNvim core as of v4.22.0
23 note-taking
23.1 global-note-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.note-taking.global-note-nvim" }
23.1.1 Global-note.nvim
It’s a simple Neovim plugin that provides a global note in a float window.
Repository: https://github.com/backdround/global-note.nvim
Notes: A project local note has also been setup
23.2 neorg
{ import = "astrocommunity.note-taking.neorg" }
23.2.1 neorg
Modernity meets insane extensibility. The future of organizing your life in Neovim.
Repository: https://github.com/nvim-neorg/neorg
Requirements: Lua 5.1/LuaJIT and Lua header files installed as system dependencies
23.3 obsidian-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.note-taking.obsidian-nvim" }
23.3.1 Obsidian.nvim
Neovim plugin for Obsidian, written in Lua
Repository: https://github.com/epwalsh/obsidian.nvim
A Neovim plugin for writing and navigating an Obsidian vault, written in Lua.
This config assumes the vault location is at
. You can move the vault there. If you
instead want to change the location in the config, you can create a new
file plugins/obsidian.lua
, copy the contents of this
to it, and then edit the 2 following lines
event = { "BufReadPre */obsidian-vault/*.md" },
dir = "~/obsidian-vault",
to match your vault location.
We set mappings
to an empty table, because
is used for lazy loading in keys
if you don’t want gf
for lazy loading, you should remove
and mappings
The plugin may also nag and ask you to create a
directory in the vault. You can use
mkdir templates
to create an empty directory.
23.4 venn-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.note-taking.venn-nvim" }
23.4.1 venn.nvim
Draw ASCII diagrams in Neovim with ease.
Repository: https://github.com/jbyuki/venn.nvim
- Enable venn mode with
- note this enable vim virtual edit mode which allows editing anywhere in the window
- now click any place and write down the texts
- use visual block [Ctrl-v] mode to wrap around the text and press f to draw the box
- connect the boxes using HJKL towards the next box to connect
┌────────│ A │──────────┐
│ └───┘ │
│ │
▼ ┌───┐ ▼
B───────►│ C │ D
└─┬─┘ │
│ │
┌─┴─┐ │
│ E │◄─────────┘
23.5 zk-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.note-taking.zk-nvim" }
23.5.1 zk-nvim
Neovim extension for the zk plain text note-taking assistant.
Repository: https://github.com/mickael-menu/zk-nvim
:warning: This plugin will setup and start the LSP server for you, do not call
24 pack
24.1 angular
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.angular" }
24.1.1 Angular Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds typescript pack
- Adds html-css pack
- Adds
Treesitter parser withnvim-treesitter-angular
- Adds
language servers
24.2 ansible
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.ansible" }
24.2.1 Ansible Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds a set of local functions to help with Ansible’s filetype detection
- Adds
Treesitter parsers - Adds
, if enabled - Sets up
to useansiblels
if enabled - Adds the following
sources: - Adds the following
sources: - Adds pearofducks/ansible-vim,
and sets it up to be loaded for
file types - Configures stevearc/conform.nvim
to use
file types
24.3 astro
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.astro" }
24.3.1 Astro Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parsers - Adds
language server - Adds
for debugging
24.4 bash
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.bash" }
24.4.1 Bash Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parser - Adds
language server - Adds
formatter - Adds
linter - Adds
24.5 blade
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.blade" }
24.5.1 Laravel Blade Language Pack
in your path. See the releases section of https://github.com/haringsrob/laravel-dev-tools
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parser: https://github.com/EmranMR/tree-sitter-blade - Adds
language server: https://github.com/haringsrob/laravel-dev-tools - Adds blade-formatter to
24.6 chezmoi
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.chezmoi" }
24.6.1 Chezmoi Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- chezmoi.vim for syntax highlighting of Chezmoi templates
- chezmoi.nvim searching and applying Chezmoi configurations
- Adds the TOML Language Pack for editing Chezmoi configuration file
24.7 clojure
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.clojure" }
24.7.1 Clojure Language Pack
Include the Clojure language pack in the
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.clojure" },
The Clojure pack requires:
- Java Development Kit, e.g. Practicalli - Install Java host for Clojure
- Clojure CLI or Leiningen
The Clojure language pack includes:
treesitter parsers- clojure-lsp language server
- Clojure REPL client: Olical/conjure
- Structural editing: gpanders/nvim-parinfer & PaterJason/nvim-treesitter-sexp
NOTE: Conjure is available as a code-runner plugin config. nvim-treesitter-sexp and nvim-parinfer are available as editing-support plugin configurations Clojure Guides
in a Clojure buffer runs an interactive
tutorial for Conjure
- Clojure.org API reference and guides
- Conjure - Clojure guide
- Practicalli Neovim Clojure development workflow and examples of configuring Astrocommunity clojure pack Override Configuration
Plugins in the language pack can be disabled and default options overridden.
Example: Include the Clojure language pack and disable the parinfer
plugin by setting the enabled
key to false.
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.clojure" },
{ "gpanders/nvim-parinfer", enabled = false },
Example: Change the test runner used by Conjure.
runner is used by default
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.clojure" },
opts = {
options = {
g = {
-- Set Test runner: "clojure", "clojurescript", "kaocha"
["conjure#client#clojure#nrepl#test#runner"] = "kaocha",
:help conjure-client-clojure-nrepl
for full list of Conjure options for Clojure.
24.8 cmake
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.cmake" }
24.8.1 CMake Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parser - Adds
language server
24.9 cpp
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.cpp" }
24.9.1 C/C++ Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parsers - Adds
language server - Adds
formatter - Adds clangd_extensions.nvim for language specific tooling
- Adds cmake-tools.nvim for building and debugging
- Sets up
for clangd to avoid conflicts with null-ls
24.10 crystal
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.crystal" }
24.10.1 Crystal Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
for syntax highlighting and snippets - Adds
language server - Adds
for debugging
24.11 cs-omnisharp
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.cs-omnisharp" }
24.11.1 C# Language Pack
Requirements: dotnet
must be in your
and executable
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parsers - Adds
language server - Adds
for better go to definition/type definition - Adds the following
sources: - Adds
debug adapters for nvim-dap
24.12 cs
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.cs" }
24.12.1 C# Language Pack
Requirements: dotnet
must be in your
and executable
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parsers - Adds
language server - Adds
for better go to definition/type definition - Adds the following
sources: - Adds
debug adapters for nvim-dap
24.13 cue
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.cue" }
24.13.1 Cue Language Pack
Requirements: cue
must be in your
and executable
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parsers - Adds
language server - Adds the following
24.14 dart
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.dart" }
24.14.1 Dart Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parsers - Adds
language server - Adds flutter-tools.nvim for language specific tooling
- Adds YAML language support
24.15 docker
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.docker" }
24.15.1 Docker Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parser - Adds
language servers - Adds
24.16 edgedb
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.edgedb" }
24.16.1 EdgeDB pack
EdgeDB is a next-generation graph-relational database designed as a spiritual successor to the relational database.
This plugin pack adds support for syntax highlighting of EdgeQL files.
24.17 elixir-phoenix
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.elixir-phoenix" }
24.17.1 Elixir and Phoenix Pack
Adds baseline support for Elixir/Phoenix projects.
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds the
AstroCommunity pack - Adds the
language server - Adds the
Treesitter parsers - Ensures
is configured for html-eex andclass:
style hinting.
24.18 elm
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.elm" }
24.18.1 Elm Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parsers - Adds
language server - Adds
formatter LSP Configuration
The default elm-language-server configuration matches all currently supported features for Neovim LSP. A note on elm-test and elm-review
is not directly supported by neo-test but it’s available via neotest-vim-test.
However, it is common practice to peruse both elm-test
and elm-review
directly via the command line.
24.19 fish
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.fish" }
24.19.1 Fish Language Pack
Requires the following in your PATH
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parser - Adds
formatter - Adds
24.20 full-dadbod
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.full-dadbod" }
24.20.1 Complete vim-dadbod plugin pack
This plugin pack adds:
- Adds vim-dadbod for database management
- Adds vim-dadbod-ui for the UI
- Adds vim-dadbod-completion for completion
24.21 gleam
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.gleam" }
24.21.1 Gleam Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parser - Adds
language server
24.22 go
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.go" }
24.22.1 Go Language Pack
Requirements: go
must be in your
and executable
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parsers - Adds
language server- By default it is configured to use
for formatting
- By default it is configured to use
- Adds the following go packages:
- Adds nvim-dap-go for debugging
- Adds gopher.nvim for language specific tools
24.23 godot
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.godot" }
24.23.1 Godot Language Pack
Requirements: Godot
needs to be running
to use lsp for gdscript
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
treesitter parsers - Adds
treesitter parsers - Adds
treesitter parsers - Adds quickgd.nvim
24.24 harper
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.harper" }
24.24.1 Harper LS
Harper is an English grammar checker designed to be just right.
Repository: https://github.com/elijah-potter/harper/blob/master/harper-ls How do I set my own LSP configuration?
To add your configuration, you have to extend
See the options that
support here.
---@type LazySpec
return {
opts = {
config = {
harper_ls = {
settings = {
["harper-ls"] = {
--- Your configuration
24.25 haskell
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.haskell" }
24.25.1 Haskell Language Pack
- plenary.nvim: Since v3 droppped this requirement, it is handled by the pack during install.
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
treesitter parsers - Adds
language server - Adds
dap adapter - Adds haskell-tools.nvim (v3 or v4 depending on nvim version)
- Adds
language pack - Adds
language pack - Adds
from Astrocommunity - Adds neotest-haskell
- Adds haskell-snippets.nvim
Optionally available:
:warning: A local hoogle installation is required for this to work.
- Adds telescope-hoogle
To install, set { "luc-tielen/telescope_hoogle" },
and install this pack as normal.
24.26 haxe
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.haxe" }
24.26.1 Haxe Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parser: https://github.com/vantreeseba/tree-sitter-haxe - Adds
language server
24.27 helm
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.helm" }
24.27.1 Helm Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parsers - Adds
language server - Adds vim-helm for language specific tools
24.28 html-css
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.html-css" }
24.28.1 HTML and CSS Pack
This plugin pack is meant as a base that is being imported by more specific web development plugin packs. It does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parsers - Adds
language server
24.29 hyprlang
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.hyprlang" }
24.29.1 hyprlang Pack
This plugin pack offers language support for Hyprland config file. It does the following:
- Adds
filetype which will be assumed from below patterns:*.hl
- Adds
Treesitter parsers Requirement
- Need to install
tool first- if mason-tool-installer has been loaded, then hyprls should be installed automatically
- Execute
to install hyprls via mason
24.30 java
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.java" }
24.30.1 Java Language Pack
or higher to function.
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
treesitter parsers - Adds
treesitter parsers (XML) - Adds
language server - Adds
language server (XML) - Adds nvim-jdtls for language specific tooling
- Enables hot reloading
- Adds
debug adapters for nvim-dap Note
We require that the root folder of your projects include one of these
, mvnw
, gradlew
, build.gradle
.project Tips
requires Java 11+ but can be used to develop on
any Java version. If you develop using different Java runtimes, you can
set the runtimes you have available in the settings of
. Here is a simple example:
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.java" },
opts = {
settings = {
java = {
configuration = {
runtimes = {
name = "JavaSE-11",
path = "/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk/",
format = {
enabled = true,
settings = { -- you can use your preferred format style
url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/google/styleguide/gh-pages/eclipse-java-google-style.xml",
profile = "GoogleStyle",
24.31 jj
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.jj" }
24.31.1 Jujutsu/jj Pack
Pack for the Jujutsu/jj Git-compatible VCS.
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds jj tab to Neo-tree with neo-tree-jj.nvim
- Adds Telescope pickers with telescope-jj.nvim
for files in repository (falls back to git files if not in jj repo), likejj files
for files with changes, likejj diff
for files with conflicts, likejj resolve --list
- Adds syntax highlighting for
files (for use withjj describe
) with vim-jjdescription - Adds a lazyjj (TUI
for jj) terminal with
is in$PATH
24.32 json
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.json" }
24.32.1 JSON Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parsers - Adds
language server
24.33 julia
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.julia" }
24.33.1 Julia Language Pack
Requirements: julia
must be in your
and executable
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parsers - Adds
language server - Adds cmp-latex-symbols
for easily inserting unicode symbols into code with latex notation with
autocompletion with
- Adds TOML language support Using System Images
Because of the long pre-compilation times of Julia it is highly
recommended to utilize system images for the
. This requires some manual setup which
this pack will automatically detect and disable the installation of
if it is detected. A description of how to set up
precompiled system images for the Julia language server can be found at
this repository: https://github.com/mehalter/.julia
If you are going down this route, along with importing the pack from
AstroCommunity, you also need to add the following plugin specification
to your plugins/
[!NOTE] You should make sure that
is not installed in Mason
return {
opts = {
-- manually set up the Julia language server
-- since we won't be using Mason
servers = { "julials" },
config = {
julials = {
on_new_config = function(new_config)
-- check for nvim-lspconfig julia sysimage shim
-- this path may need to be updated if you set it up differently
-- than the repository recommends above
local julia = (vim.env.JULIA_DEPOT_PATH or vim.fn.expand "~/.julia")
.. "/environments/nvim-lspconfig/bin/julia"
-- if the shim is found, then update the julia command
if require("lspconfig").util.path.is_file(julia) then new_config.cmd[1] = julia end
24.34 just
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.just" }
24.34.1 Just language pack
This plugin does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parser: https://github.com/IndianBoy42/tree-sitter-just
24.35 kotlin
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.kotlin" }
24.35.1 Kotlin Language Pack
Requires: - JDK-17
or higher to function.
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
treesitter parsers - Adds
language server - Adds
through null-ls - Adds
debug adapter for nvim-dap
24.36 laravel
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.laravel" }
24.36.1 Laravel Pack
Note: Installation of phpactor
Note: laravel-dev-generators
in your
path. See the releases section of https://github.com/haringsrob/laravel-dev-tools
Note: For proper blade template highlighting, you’ll need to manually add the queries file https://github.com/EmranMR/tree-sitter-blade/discussions/19#discussion-5400675
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds php
- Adds php and phpdoc Treesitter parsers
- Adds phpactor language servers
- Adds php-cs-fixer for formatting
- Adds php-debug-adapter for debugging
- Adds blade
- Adds blade Treesitter parser: https://github.com/EmranMR/tree-sitter-blade
- Adds blade language server: https://github.com/haringsrob/laravel-dev-tools
- Adds blade-formatter to null-ls or conform
- Adds
for laravel specific tools - Adds
for laravel model info - Adds
for cmp and gf for views/routes/configs and more
24.37 lean
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.lean" }
24.37.1 Lean Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds lean.nvim for language specific tooling
24.38 lua
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.lua" }
24.38.1 Lua Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parser - Adds
language server - Adds
formatter - Adds
24.39 markdown
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.markdown" }
24.39.1 Markdown Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parsers - Adds
language server - Adds
24.40 mdx
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.mdx" }
24.40.1 MDX Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
filetype - Adds
language server - Adds the Markdown Language Pack
24.41 moonbit
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.moonbit" }
24.41.1 Moonbit Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
plugin which adds- Adds
Treesitter parser - Adds
language server - Adds
neotest adapter
- Adds
24.42 nextflow
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.nextflow" }
24.42.1 Nextflow Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Sets up
filetype - Adds
for syntax highlighting - Adds configuration for
- See below for instructions on enabling it
- Adds
icons tomini.icons Enabling the Nextflow Language Server
While the Nextflow language server is young in development it is yet
to be added to Mason or nvim-lspconfig
so it currently
requires manual configuration to get up and running. Requirements
- Java 17 or later
downloaded from the Nextflow Language Server Releases or built from the source Add to your
return {
opts = {
-- This line enables the setup of the Nextfow language server
servers = { "nextflow_ls" },
configs = {
-- Must set the command with the path to your JAR file
nextflow_ls = {
cmd = { "java", "-jar", "<path to language-server-all.jar>" },
24.43 nix
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.nix" }
24.43.1 Nix Language Pack
Requires the following in your PATH
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parsers - Adds
language server - Adds the following
24.44 nvchad-ui
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.nvchad-ui" }
24.44.1 NvChad/ui
Lightweight & high performance UI plugin for nvchad
Repository: https://github.com/NvChad/ui
24.45 ocaml
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.ocaml" }
24.45.1 OCaml Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parsers - Adds
language server - Adds ocaml.nvim for language specific tooling
24.46 php
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.php" }
24.46.1 PHP Language Pack
Note: Installation of phpactor
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parsers - Adds
language servers - Adds
for formatting - Adds
for debugging
24.47 pkl
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.pkl" }
24.47.1 Pkl Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parser: https://github.com/apple/tree-sitter-pkl - Adds
language plugin: https://github.com/apple/pkl-neovim
24.48 prisma
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.prisma" }
24.48.1 prisma Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parser - Adds
language servers
24.49 proto
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.proto" }
24.49.1 Protocal Buffers Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parsers - Adds
language servers - Adds
24.50 ps1
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.ps1" }
24.50.1 PowerShell Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
language server - Adds vim-ps1 for language specific tooling
24.51 purescript
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.purescript" }
24.51.1 purescript Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parsers - Adds
language server - Adds
24.52 python-ruff
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.python-ruff" }
24.52.1 Python Ruff Language Pack
Requirements: python
must be in your
and executable
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parsers - Adds
language servers - Adds the following
sources: - Adds
for debugging
24.53 python
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.python" }
24.53.1 Python Language Pack
Requirements: python
must be in your
and executable
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parsers - Adds
language server - Adds the following
sources: - Adds
for debugging
24.54 quarto
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.quarto" }
24.54.1 Quarto Language Pack
This plugin pack does the foolowing:
- Adds
- Adds
- Adds
, andcss
parsers tonvim-treesitter
24.55 rainbow-delimiter-indent-blankline
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.rainbow-delimiter-indent-blankline" }
24.55.1 rainbow-delimiters.nvim integration for indent-blankline.nvim
Provides rainbow indent guides that tie into their relevant bracket
pairs, and a scope guide Provides rainbow-delimiters.nvim
and configures indent-blankline.nvim
as described in the indent-blankline.nvim
- https://github.com/lukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvim
- https://gitlab.com/HiPhish/rainbow-delimiters.nvim Preview
24.56 rego
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.rego" }
24.56.1 OPA Rego Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parser - Adds
language server - Adds
24.57 ruby
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.ruby" }
24.57.1 Ruby Language Pack
This plugin does the following
- Adds ‘ruby’ treesitter parser
- Adds ‘solargraph’ language server
- Adds ‘standardrb’ through null-ls
- Adds ‘nvim-dap-ruby’
24.58 rust
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.rust" }
24.58.1 Rust Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parsers - Adds rustaceanvim for language specific tooling (v4 or v5 depending on nvim version)
- Adds crates.nvim for crate management
- Adds TOML language support
[!NOTE] This pack DOES not add
. This should be managed by rustup. To add it to rustup, run:rustup component add rust-analyzer Additional LSP Configuration Tweaks
Configuring the LSP is out of scope for community packs, but here are some interesting things you may want to do: Make Rust-Analyzer use its own profile
Add this into your LSP configuration to make the rust-analyzer use
its own profile. The effect is that you will use more disk space as
rust-analyzer gets its own special folder in targets
. The
upside is that you can run cargo build
without that being
blocked while rust-analyzer runs.
The following can be added to the configuration of AstroLSP to customize the profiles used by rust-analyzer.
return {
opts = {
config = {
rust_analyzer = {
settings = {
["rust-analyzer"] = {
cargo = {
extraArgs = { "--profile", "rust-analyzer" },
} Use
cargo check
By default, this pack configures
to use
cargo clippy
instead of cargo check
In some cases (for example, on large projects where
cargo clippy
is slow), you may want to use
cargo check
instead. Global default
You can configure the settings with AstroLSP similar to the instructions shown above:
return {
opts = {
config = {
rust_analyzer = {
settings = {
["rust-analyzer"] = {
check = { command = "check", extraArgs = {} },
} Per Project
Currently, rust-analyzer
itself cannot be configured per
project, adding
support is still in progress.
However, rustaceanvim
loading rust-analyzer.json
files from the root of your
project. If you want to use cargo check
as your default
, you can create a
file in the root of your project with
the following contents: For more information on the
configuration, see the rust-analyzer
"rust-analyzer": {
"check": {
"command": "check"
24.59 scala
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.scala" }
24.59.1 Scala Language Pack
in your path
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
treesitter parsers - Adds
language server - Adds debugger for scala to
- Adds nvim-metals for language specific tooling
24.60 sql
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.sql" }
24.60.1 SQL Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parser - Adds
language servergo
must be in yourPATH
and executable.- formatting is disabled due to https://github.com/sqls-server/sqls/issues/149
- Adds sqls.nvim for language specific tooling
- Adds
for both formatting and linting (using the ANSI dialect)
24.61 svelte
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.svelte" }
24.61.1 Svelte Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parsers - Adds
language server - Adds
for debugging - Adds nvim-dap-vscode-js for debugging
24.62 swift
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.swift" }
24.62.1 Swift Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parsers - Adds
in LSP servers - Adds
in LSP config - Adds
for debugging SwiftLint and SwiftFormat
When it comes to linting and formatting, Swift is not standardized
yet. Thus, you need to set your favorite configuration in
. For example:
config.sources = {
-- Set a formatter
null_ls.builtins.formatting.swiftformat, -- https://github.com/nicklockwood/SwiftFormat
-- null_ls.builtins.formatting.swift_format, -- https://github.com/apple/swift-format
-- Set a linter
Make sure to install SwiftLint and either one of SwiftFormat OR Apple’s Swift-Format.
24.63 tailwindcss
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.tailwindcss" }
24.63.1 tailwindcss Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parser - Adds
language servers - Adds
formatter - Adds
to cmp completion sources
24.64 templ
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.templ" }
24.64.1 Templ Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
treesitter parser - Adds
language server
24.65 terraform
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.terraform" }
24.65.1 Terraform Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parser - Adds
language server - Adds
24.66 thrift
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.thrift" }
24.66.1 Thrift language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parsers - Adds
language servers
24.67 toml
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.toml" }
24.67.1 TOML Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
Treesitter parser - Adds
language server
24.68 typescript-all-in-one
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.typescript-all-in-one" }
24.68.1 TypeScript All-in-one Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds typescript pack
- Adds denols pack
- Enables either
based on the project
24.69 typescript-deno
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.typescript-deno" }
24.69.1 TypeScript Deno Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
, andtsx
Treesitter parsers - Adds
language server - Adds JSON language support
- Adds deno-nvim for language specific tooling
24.70 typescript
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.typescript" }
24.70.1 TypeScript Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds
, andjsdoc
Treesitter parsers - Adds
language server - Adds
formatter - Adds JSON language support
- Adds support for dap for JS
- Adds nvim-vtsls for language specific tooling
- Adds package-info.nvim for project package management
- Adds nvim-lsp-file-operations to handles file imports on rename or move within neo-tree
- Adds neotest-jest to
ease the test running if
is installed How do I disable Eslint format on save?
To opt out of the Eslint format on save behaviour, you can disable the autocmd setup with the pack with this:
return {
optional = true,
opts = {
autocmds = {
eslint_fix_on_save = false,
} How do I customize
To customize the neotest-jest
plugin, you need to
configure it like you would with any other plugin
Learn more about the spec setup used by
---@type LazySpec
return {
opts = function(_, opts)
-- Add your opts
## [typst](https://github.com/AstroNvim/astrocommunity/tree/main/lua/astrocommunity/pack/typst/init.lua)
{ import = “astrocommunity.pack.typst” }
### Typst Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Add `typst.vim` for syntax
- Add `tinymist` language server
- Add `typst-preview.nvim` plugin
_Note_: To start the preview - Run TypstPreview
## [verilog](https://github.com/AstroNvim/astrocommunity/tree/main/lua/astrocommunity/pack/verilog/init.lua)
{ import = “astrocommunity.pack.verilog” }
### Verilog Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds `verilog` Treesitter parsers
- Adds `verible` language server
- Adds the following `null-ls` sources:
- [verilator](https://github.com/verilator/verilator)
## [vue](https://github.com/AstroNvim/astrocommunity/tree/main/lua/astrocommunity/pack/vue/init.lua)
{ import = “astrocommunity.pack.vue” }
### Vue Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds `vue` and `scss` Treesitter parsers
- Adds `vue` language server
- Adds `js-debug-adapter` for debugging
- Adds [nvim-dap-vscode-js](https://github.com/mxsdev/nvim-dap-vscode-js) for debugging
## [wgsl](https://github.com/AstroNvim/astrocommunity/tree/main/lua/astrocommunity/pack/wgsl/init.lua)
{ import = “astrocommunity.pack.wgsl” }
### wgsl Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds `wgsl` Treesitter parser: <https://github.com/szebniok/tree-sitter-wgsl>
- Adds `wgsl` language server
## [xml](https://github.com/AstroNvim/astrocommunity/tree/main/lua/astrocommunity/pack/xml/init.lua)
{ import = “astrocommunity.pack.xml” }
### XML Language Pack
- Adds `xml` and `html` treesitter parsers
- Adds `lemminx` language server
## [yaml](https://github.com/AstroNvim/astrocommunity/tree/main/lua/astrocommunity/pack/yaml/init.lua)
{ import = “astrocommunity.pack.yaml” }
### YAML Language Pack
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds `yaml` Treesitter parser
- Adds `yamlls` language server
- Adds `prettierd` formatter
## [zig](https://github.com/AstroNvim/astrocommunity/tree/main/lua/astrocommunity/pack/zig/init.lua)
{ import = “astrocommunity.pack.zig” }
### Zig Language Pack
- git (required by zig-tools)
- curl / wget (required by zig-tools)
- Neovim (>= 0.7.x)
- ripgrep (>= 11.0)
- Zig (>= 0.12.0 required for Neotest support)
- Zls (Make sure this is the same version as your zig version)
This plugin pack does the following:
- Adds `zig` Treesitter parsers
- Adds [neotest-zig](https://github.com/lawrence-laz/neotest-zig/tree/v1.2.0)
- Adds [zig-tools.nvim](https://codeberg.org/NTBBloodbath/zig-tools.nvim)
#### Manage zls with mason
If you want `zls` to be managed with mason, you can add this table to your config:
optional = true,
opts = function(_, opts)
opts.ensure_installed = require("astrocore").list_insert_unique(opts.ensure_installed, { "zls" })
Or trough mason-tool-installer:
optional = true,
opts = function(_, opts)
opts.ensure_installed = require("astrocore").list_insert_unique(opts.ensure_installed, { "zls" })
25 programming-language-support
25.1 csv-vim
{ import = "astrocommunity.programming-language-support.csv-vim" }
25.1.1 csv-vim
A Filetype plugin for csv files
Repository: https://github.com/chrisbra/csv.vim
25.2 dooku-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.programming-language-support.dooku-nvim" }
25.2.1 dooku.nvim
Generate and open your code HTML documentation inside Neovim.
Repository: https://github.com/Zeioth/dooku.nvim
25.3 nvim-jqx
{ import = "astrocommunity.programming-language-support.nvim-jqx" }
25.3.1 nvim-jqx
If only one could easily browse and preview json files in neovim. Oh wait, nvim-jqx does just that!
Dependencies - jq
Repository: https://github.com/gennaro-tedesco/nvim-jqx
25.4 rest-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.programming-language-support.rest-nvim" }
25.4.1 Rest.nvim
A fast Neovim http client written in Lua. Dependencies
- System-wide
- curl
- Optional (can be changed, see config below)
- jq (to format JSON output)
- tidy (to format HTML output)
Repository: : https://github.com/rest-nvim/rest.nvim
25.5 web-tools-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.programming-language-support.web-tools-nvim" }
25.5.1 web-tools.nvim
Neovim Wrapper for ❤️ browser-sync
Requires: * Hurl/curl web API testing
Repository: https://github.com/ray-x/web-tools.nvim/tree/master
25.6 xbase
{ import = "astrocommunity.programming-language-support.xbase" }
25.6.1 XBase Note
xbase is a WIP plugin, and the experience provided by this plugin might be lackluster. Tip
You should also include the swift pack for basic language support. To add it into your setup, add:
{import ="astrocommunity.pack.swift"} Requirements
Make sure you have sourcekit-lsp installed on your machine.
Install Xcode Device Simulators: To enable simulator functionality from within Neovim, you need to have Xcode Device Simulators installed on your machine. You can install these simulators from Xcode.
Mappings: The default mappings for the xbase plugin overlap with AstroNvim’s default. Therefore, you should set the mappings yourself. Refer to xBase documentation for more options.
opts = {
-- ... (other options)
mappings = {
enable = true,
build_picker = "<leader>rb", -- Set to 0 to disable
run_picker = "<leader>ra", -- Set to 0 to disable
watch_picker = 0, -- Set to 0 to disable
all_picker = 0, -- Set to 0 to disable
toggle_split_log_buffer = 0,
toggle_vsplit_log_buffer = "<leader>rs",
-- ... (other options)
26 project
26.1 linear-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.project.linear-nvim" }
26.1.1 linear-nvim
A NeoVim plugin to browse and create issues in your Linear workspace. Written in Lua
Repository: https://github.com/rmanocha/linear-nvim
26.2 neoconf-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.project.neoconf-nvim" }
26.2.1 neoconf.nvim
💼 Neovim plugin to manage global and project-local settings
Repository: https://github.com/folke/neoconf.nvim
Note: This plugins is part of AstroNvim core as of v3.24.0
26.3 project-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.project.project-nvim" }
26.3.1 project.nvim
The superior project management solution for neovim.
Repository: https://github.com/jay-babu/project.nvim
Note: The functionality of this plugin is part of AstroNvim
as of v4.0.0.
To enable automatic :cd
or chdir to project root, or to
configure other options, see the project rooter
documentation. Enabling this plugin will disable the built-in
project rooter.
26.4 projectmgr-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.project.projectmgr-nvim" }
26.4.1 projectmgr.nvim
Quickly switch between projects and automate startup tasks.
Repository: https://github.com/charludo/projectmgr.nvim 🦑 Usage with
Key | Action |
<CR> |
Open the project under your cursor |
<C-a> |
Add a project. You will be asked for a name, a path, and optionally startup and shutdown commands. |
<C-d> /
<C-x> |
Delete project under your cursor |
<C-e> /
<C-u> |
Edit the project under your cursor |
<C-q> /
<ESC> |
Close the window without doing anything |
<Leader>P |
Open the ProjectMgr panel | 🦑 Usage without
projectmgr comes with a fallback window in case you
aren’t using telescope.nvim
. The same actions are
available. The keybinds are slightly different: <C-a>
is replaced by just a
, <C-q>
just q
, and so on.
27 quickfix
27.1 nvim-bqf
{ import = "astrocommunity.quickfix.nvim-bqf" }
27.1.1 nvim-bqf
Better quickfix window in Neovim, polish old quickfix window.
Repository: https://github.com/kevinhwang91/nvim-bqf
27.2 quicker-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.quickfix.quicker-nvim" }
27.2.1 quicker.nvim
Improved UI and workflow for the Neovim quickfix
Repository: https://github.com/stevearc/quicker.nvim
28 recipes
28.1 astrolsp-auto-signature-help
{ import = "astrocommunity.recipes.astrolsp-auto-signature-help" }
28.1.1 AstroLSP - Automatically show signature help
Website: https://docs.astronvim.com/recipes/advanced_lsp/#automatic-signature-help
This plugin specification configures AstroLSP to automatically trigger the LSP signature help when necessary and relevant.
28.2 astrolsp-no-insert-inlay-hints
{ import = "astrocommunity.recipes.astrolsp-no-insert-inlay-hints" }
28.2.1 AstroLSP - Disable inlay hints in insert mode
Website: https://docs.astronvim.com/recipes/advanced_lsp/#disable-in-insert-mode
This plugin specification configures AstroLSP to disable inlay hints in a buffer when going into insert mode and re-enables them when leaving insert mode.
28.3 auto-session-restore
{ import = "astrocommunity.recipes.auto-session-restore" }
28.3.1 AstroLSP - Automatically Restore Previous Session
Website: https://docs.astronvim.com/recipes/sessions/#automatically-restore-previous-session
This plugin specification configures AstroLSP to automatically restore their previous session for a given directory when opening Neovim with no arguments.
28.4 cache-colorscheme
{ import = "astrocommunity.recipes.cache-colorscheme" }
28.4.1 Cache Colorscheme
Website: https://docs.astronvim.com/recipes/colorscheme/#cache-colorscheme
This plugin specification caches the last chosen colorscheme by the user to persist colorscheme changes without modifying user configuration.
28.5 disable-tabline
{ import = "astrocommunity.recipes.disable-tabline" }
28.5.1 Fully Disable Tabline
Website: https://docs.astronvim.com/recipes/disable_tabline/#fully-disable-tabline
This plugin specification fully disables tabline
removes relevant mappings.
28.6 heirline-clock-statusline
{ import = "astrocommunity.recipes.heirline-clock-statusline" }
28.6.1 heirline.nvim clock statusline
Website: https://docs.astronvim.com/recipes/status#default-statusline-with-clock
This plugin specification configures the statusline
AstroNvim to show a clock in the right hand side mode indicator.
28.7 heirline-mode-text-statusline
{ import = "astrocommunity.recipes.heirline-mode-text-statusline" }
28.7.1 heirline.nvim mode text statusline
Website: https://docs.astronvim.com/recipes/status#default-statusline-with-mode-text
This plugin specification configures the statusline
AstroNvim to show the mode text

28.8 heirline-nvchad-statusline
{ import = "astrocommunity.recipes.heirline-nvchad-statusline" }
28.8.1 heirline.nvim NvChad statusline
Website: https://docs.astronvim.com/recipes/status#replicate-nvchad-statusline
This plugin specification configures the statusline
AstroNvim to emulate the NvChad statusline
28.9 heirline-vscode-winbar
{ import = "astrocommunity.recipes.heirline-vscode-winbar" }
28.9.1 heirline.nvim vscode style winbar
Website: https://docs.astronvim.com/recipes/status#replicate-visual-studio-code-winbar
This plugin specification configures the winbar
AstroNvim to look more like VS Code’s

28.10 neo-tree-dark
{ import = "astrocommunity.recipes.neo-tree-dark" }
28.10.1 neo-tree.nvim dark theme
Dark themed color scheme for neo-tree.nvim
Repository: https://github.com/nvim-neo-tree/neo-tree.nvim
Note: Highlight groups are designed to match
. Customize the table if you are using different
28.11 neovide
{ import = "astrocommunity.recipes.neovide" }
28.11.1 Neovide Configuration for AstroNvim
Website: https://docs.astronvim.com/recipes/neovide Features
- Adjust the scale factor incrementally to find the perfect size for your needs.
- Reset the scale factor to its initial value for a consistent starting point. Global Variables
This recipe uses several global variables to configure its behavior.
(default: 1) - The current scale factor of Neovide.neovide_increment_scale_factor
(default: 0.1) - Determines the increment/decrement value for adjusting the scale factor.neovide_min_scale_factor
(default: 0.7) - The minimum scale allowed.neovide_max_scale_factor
(default: 2.0) - The maximum scale allowed.neovide_initial_scale_factor
(default: fromneovide_scale_factor
) - Used to have the scale factor reset to the initial value. Commands
:NeovideSetScaleFactor {scale_factor:number} [force]
Sets the Neovide scale factor. If force
is provided as
the second argument, the scale factor is set without applying the
minimum and maximum constraints.
Resets the scale factor to
. Keybindings
Mappings | Action |
Ctrl + = |
Increase the Neovide scale factor by
neovide_increment_scale_factor |
Ctrl + - |
Decrease the Neovide scale factor by
neovide_increment_scale_factor |
Ctrl + 0 |
Reset the Neovide scale factor to
neovide_initial_scale_factor |
28.12 telescope-lsp-mappings
{ import = "astrocommunity.recipes.telescope-lsp-mappings" }
28.12.1 Telescope LSP Mappings
Repository: https://docs.astronvim.com/recipes/mappings/#enable-telescope-lsp-mappings
Use Telescope mappings for LSP search operations
28.13 telescope-nvchad-theme
{ import = "astrocommunity.recipes.telescope-nvchad-theme" }
28.13.1 Telescope NvChad Theme
Repository: https://docs.astronvim.com/recipes/telescope_theme
Emulate the default NvChad Telescope theme.
28.14 vscode-icons
{ import = "astrocommunity.recipes.vscode-icons" }
28.14.1 VS Code Style Icons
Website: https://docs.astronvim.com/recipes/icons/#vs-code-style-icons
This plugin specification configures the AstroNvim icons to look more like VS Code’s
28.15 vscode
{ import = "astrocommunity.recipes.vscode" }
28.15.1 VS Code Integration Support
Website: https://docs.astronvim.com/recipes/vscode
Some users may be wanting to integrate their Neovim configuration
with their VS Code editor. This spec configures AstroNvim to play nicely
with the VS Code Extension vscode-neovim
This plugin spec works by overriding the default cond
function in lazy.nvim
. If you want to enable one of your
own plugins, you can simply add cond = true
to the plugin
spec or set it to your own function for doing computation when deciding
how to conditionally enable the plugin. See the Lazy.nvim
Documentation for details on doing more advanced modification of the
If there are more plugins that play nicely with the
extension, feel free to make a PR to add it
to the list of enabled plugins!
29 register
29.1 nvim-neoclip-lua
{ import = "astrocommunity.register.nvim-neoclip-lua" }
29.1.1 nvim-neoclip
is a clipboard manager for neovim inspired by
for example clipmenu
. It
records everything that gets yanked in your vim session (up to a limit
which is by default 1000 entries but can be configured). You can then
select an entry in the history using telescope
or fzf-lua
which then gets populated in a register of your choice.
Repository: https://github.com/AckslD/nvim-neoclip.lua
30 remote-development
30.1 distant-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.remote-development.distant-nvim" }
30.1.1 Distant.nvim
🚧 (Alpha stage software) Edit files, run programs, and work with LSP on a remote machine from the comfort of your local environment 🚧
Repository: https://github.com/chipsenkbeil/distant.nvim
30.2 netman-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.remote-development.netman-nvim" }
30.2.1 netman.nvim
Neovim (Lua powered) Network Resource Manager
Repository: https://github.com/miversen33/netman.nvim
30.3 nvim-sftp-sync
{ import = "astrocommunity.remote-development.nvim-sftp-sync" }
30.3.1 SftpSync
Neovim plugin that helps you sync your projects to an SFTP server
- pysftp Python library for sftp syncing
Repository: https://github.com/dcampos/nvim-sftp-sync
30.4 remote-sshfs-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.remote-development.remote-sshfs-nvim" }
30.4.1 remote-sshfs
- Add plugin remote-sshfs.nvim
- Require
- Bind keymap for convenience:
edit ssh config file<leader>Rc
select ssh target which is saved in your ssh config file<leader>Rd
disconnect (this will unmount sshfs)
- Override telescope find_files and live_grep to make dynamic based on
if connected to host
- Need
be installed on server machine
- Need
- Check plugin README for more information
31 scrolling
31.1 cinnamon-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.scrolling.cinnamon-nvim" }
31.1.1 cinnamon.nvim
Smooth scrolling for ANY movement command 🤯. A Neovim plugin written in Lua!
Repository: https://github.com/declancm/cinnamon.nvim
A highly customizable Neovim Lua plugin to smooth scrolling for any movement command.
31.2 mini-animate
{ import = "astrocommunity.scrolling.mini-animate" }
31.2.1 mini.animate
Neovim Lua plugin to animate common Neovim actions. Part of ‘mini.nvim’ library.
Repository: https://github.com/echasnovski/mini.animate
31.3 neoscroll-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.scrolling.neoscroll-nvim" }
31.3.1 neoscroll.nvim
Smooth scrolling neovim plugin written in lua
Repository: https://github.com/karb94/neoscroll.nvim
31.4 nvim-scrollbar
{ import = "astrocommunity.scrolling.nvim-scrollbar" }
31.4.1 nvim-scrollbar
Extensible Neovim Scrollbar
Repository: https://github.com/petertriho/nvim-scrollbar
31.5 satellite-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.scrolling.satellite-nvim" }
31.5.1 satellite.nvim
Decorate scrollbar for Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/lewis6991/satellite.nvim
31.6 vim-smoothie
{ import = "astrocommunity.scrolling.vim-smoothie" }
31.6.1 vim-smoothie
Smooth scrolling for Vim done right
Repository: https://github.com/psliwka/vim-smoothie
32 search
32.1 grug-far-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.search.grug-far-nvim" }
32.1.1 grug-far.nvim
Find And Replace plugin for neovim
Repository: https://github.com/MagicDuck/grug-far.nvim
32.2 nvim-hlslens
{ import = "astrocommunity.search.nvim-hlslens" }
32.2.1 nvim-hlslens
Hlsearch Lens for Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/kevinhwang91/nvim-hlslens
32.3 nvim-spectre
{ import = "astrocommunity.search.nvim-spectre" }
32.3.1 nvim-spectre
Find the enemy and replace them with dark power.
Repository: https://github.com/nvim-pack/nvim-spectre
32.4 sad-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.search.sad-nvim" }
32.4.1 sad.nvim
Space Age seD in Neovim. A project-wide find and replace plugin for Neovim.
Requires: - sad - fzf so you can confirm/select
the matches to apply your changes - by default the plugin using fd to list all files in the
current folder, you can use git ls_file
- a pager tool,
e.g. delta
Repository: https://github.com/ray-x/sad.nvim
33 session
33.1 vim-workspace
{ import = "astrocommunity.session.vim-workspace" }
33.1.1 vim-workspace
Automated Vim session management with file auto-save and persistent undo history
The configuration of the plugin:
- disable resession.nvim - default astronvim session management
- auto create and auto load the workspace when neovim was started
without any arguments
- just
cd dir
to start the workspace
- just
- auto save the workspace when neovim was closed
- handle neotree, NERDTree, git windows
- fix paths to use cache path of neovim
Repository: https://github.com/thaerkh/vim-workspace
34 snippet
34.1 mini-snippets
{ import = "astrocommunity.snippet.mini-snippets" }
34.1.1 mini.snippets
Manage and expand snippets. Part of ‘mini.nvim’ library.
Repository: https://github.com/echasnovski/mini.snippets
Sets up:
- Leaving insert mode while in a snippet session ends the session
- Disable by disabling the
in AstroCore
- Disable by disabling the
- Configures the following snippet locations:
- Global user snippets in
- Language specific user snippets in
- Snippets in the runtime for plugins with a
folder such asfriendly-snippets
- Project local snippets including
- Global user snippets in
Provided Integrations:
- Adds
- Disables LuaSnip
- Configures
to usemini.snippets
if it’s available - Configures
to usemini.snippets
if it’s available
34.2 nvim-snippets
{ import = "astrocommunity.snippet.nvim-snippets" }
34.2.1 nvim-snippets
Snippet support using native neovim snippets
Repository: https://github.com/garymjr/nvim-snippets
35 split-and-window
35.1 colorful-winsep-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.split-and-window.colorful-winsep-nvim" }
35.1.1 colorful-winsep.nvim
Make your nvim window separators colorful with smooth animations
Repository: https://github.com/nvim-zh/colorful-winsep.nvim
35.2 edgy-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.split-and-window.edgy-nvim" }
35.2.1 edgy.nvim
Easily create and manage predefined window layouts, bringing a new edge to your workflow
Repository: https://github.com/folke/edgy.nvim
35.3 mini-map
{ import = "astrocommunity.split-and-window.mini-map" }
35.3.1 mini-map
Blazing fast minimap and scrollbar for vim with no external dependencies.
Repository: https://github.com/echasnovski/mini.map
35.4 minimap-vim
{ import = "astrocommunity.split-and-window.minimap-vim" }
35.4.1 minimap.vim
📡 Blazing fast minimap / scrollbar for vim, powered by code-minimap written in Rust.
Requires: - code-minimap
Repository: https://github.com/wfxr/minimap.vim
35.5 neominimap-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.split-and-window.neominimap-nvim" }
35.5.1 Neominimap
Yet another minimap plugin for Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/Isrothy/neominimap.nvim
35.6 windows-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.split-and-window.windows-nvim" }
35.6.1 Windows.nvim
Automatically expand width of the current window. Maximizes and restore it. And all this with nice animations!
Repository: https://github.com/anuvyklack/windows.nvim
36 startup
36.1 fsplash-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.startup.fsplash-nvim" }
36.1.1 fsplash.nvim
Show a custom splash screen in a floating window
Repository: https://github.com/jovanlanik/fsplash.nvim
Note: This plugin will also disable the Alpha dashboard by default
36.2 mini-starter
{ import = "astrocommunity.startup.mini-starter" }
36.2.1 Mini-Starter
Neovim Lua plugin with fast and flexible start screen. Part of ‘mini.nvim’ library.
Repository: https://github.com/echasnovski/mini.starter
37 syntax
37.1 hlargs-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.syntax.hlargs-nvim" }
37.1.1 hlargs.nvim
Highlight arguments’ definitions and usages, using Treesitter
Repository: https://github.com/m-demare/hlargs.nvim
37.2 vim-cool
{ import = "astrocommunity.syntax.vim-cool" }
37.2.1 vim-cool
A very simple plugin that makes hlsearch more useful.
Repository: https://github.com/romainl/vim-cool
Vim-cool disables search highlighting when you are done searching and
re-enables it when you search again. That’s it. No more
, no more
, and no more dodgy
37.3 vim-easy-align
{ import = "astrocommunity.syntax.vim-easy-align" }
37.3.1 vim-easy-align
🌻 A Vim alignment plugin
Repository: https://github.com/junegunn/vim-easy-align
37.4 vim-sandwich
{ import = "astrocommunity.syntax.vim-sandwich" }
37.4.1 vim-sandwich
Set of operators and textobjects to search/select/edit sandwiched texts.
Repository: https://github.com/machakann/vim-sandwich
38 terminal-integration
38.1 flatten-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.terminal-integration.flatten-nvim" }
38.1.1 flatten.nvim
Open files and command output from neovim terminals in your current neovim instance
Repository: https://github.com/willothy/flatten.nvim
38.2 nvim-unception
{ import = "astrocommunity.terminal-integration.nvim-unception" }
38.2.1 nvim-unception
A plugin that leverages Neovim’s built-in RPC functionality to simplify opening files from within Neovim’s terminal emulator without nesting sessions.
Repository: https://github.com/samjwill/nvim-unception
38.3 toggleterm-manager-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.terminal-integration.toggleterm-manager-nvim" }
38.3.1 toggleterm-manager.nvim
A Telescope extension to manage Toggleterm’s terminals in NeoVim
Key <Leader>ts
is mapped to open the telescope
Additionally added keymaps in the Telescope interface:
normal mode:<CR>
: toggle the selected terminal.r
: rename the selected terminal.d
: delete the selected terminal.n
: create a new terminal buffer
insert mode:<CR>
: toggle the selected terminal.<C-r>
: rename the selected terminal.<C-d>
: delete the selected terminal.<C-i>
: create a new terminal buffer
Repository: https://github.com/ryanmsnyder/toggleterm-manager.nvim
38.4 vim-tmux-navigator
{ import = "astrocommunity.terminal-integration.vim-tmux-navigator" }
38.4.1 vim-tmux-navigator
Seamless navigation between tmux panes and vim splits
Repository: https://github.com/christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator
Navigate between vim and tmux panes seamlessly
38.5 vim-tmux-yank
{ import = "astrocommunity.terminal-integration.vim-tmux-yank" }
38.5.1 vim-tmux-yank
Synchronize Vim, Tmux, and OS clipboards via OSC 52
Repository: https://github.com/jabirali/vim-tmux-yank
This is a simple plugin for synchronizing the clipboards of
, tmux
, and a variety of
operating systems, even over remote connections. It does so via a
terminal escape called OSC 52.
38.6 vim-tpipeline
{ import = "astrocommunity.terminal-integration.vim-tpipeline" }
38.6.1 vim-tpipeline
Embed your vim statusline in tmux
Repository: https://github.com/vimpostor/vim-tpipeline
Embed your vim statusline in the tmux statusline!
39 test
39.1 neotest
{ import = "astrocommunity.test.neotest" }
39.1.1 neotest
An extensible framework for interacting with tests within NeoVim.
Repository: https://github.com/nvim-neotest/neotest
39.2 nvim-coverage
{ import = "astrocommunity.test.nvim-coverage" }
39.2.1 nvim-coverage
Displays test coverage data in the sign column
Repository: https://github.com/andythigpen/nvim-coverage
39.3 vim-test
{ import = "astrocommunity.test.vim-test" }
39.3.1 vim-test
Run your tests at the speed of thought
Repository: https://github.com/vim-test/vim-test
40 utility
40.1 hover-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.utility.hover-nvim" }
40.1.1 hover.nvim
Hover plugin framework for Neovim
Repository: https://github.com/lewis6991/hover.nvim
40.2 live-server-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.utility.live-server-nvim" }
40.2.1 live-server.nvim
Live reload local development servers inside of neovim
One of the following:
Repository: https://github.com/barrett-ruth/live-server.nvim
40.3 lua-json5
{ import = "astrocommunity.utility.lua-json5" }
40.3.1 Json5 parser for luajit
- cargo - Rust package manager
A json5 parser for luajit
Repository: https://github.com/Joakker/lua-json5
40.4 mason-tool-installer-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.utility.mason-tool-installer-nvim" }
40.4.1 mason-tool-installer.nvim
Install and upgrade third party tools automatically
Repository: https://github.com/WhoIsSethDaniel/mason-tool-installer.nvim
Note: This integrates with mason-null-ls
, and mason-nvim-dap
by moving
any ensure_installed
lists into
and removes them from those
40.5 neodim
{ import = "astrocommunity.utility.neodim" }
40.5.1 neodim
Neovim plugin for dimming the highlights of unused functions, variables, parameters, and more
Repository: https://github.com/zbirenbaum/neodim
40.6 noice-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.utility.noice-nvim" }
40.6.1 noice.nvim
💥 Highly experimental plugin that completely replaces the UI for messages, cmdline and the popupmenu.
Repository: https://github.com/folke/noice.nvim
40.7 nvim-toggler
{ import = "astrocommunity.utility.nvim-toggler" }
40.7.1 Nvim-toggler
Invert text in vim.
Keybindings: The default binding is <Leader>i
invert the word under your cursor.
Repository: https://github.com/nguyenvukhang/nvim-toggler
40.8 telescope-coc-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.utility.telescope-coc-nvim" }
40.8.1 telescope-coc.nvim
An extension for telescope.nvim that allows you to find/filter/preview/pick results from coc.nvim.
Repository: https://github.com/fannheyward/telescope-coc.nvim
40.9 telescope-fzy-native-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.utility.telescope-fzy-native-nvim" }
40.9.1 telescope-fzy-native.nvim
FZY style sorter that is compiled
Dependencies: * It is possible that you will already have a compiled binary matching your system. You can find out information about compiling the binary at the implementation repo: https://github.com/romgrk/fzy-lua-native
Repository: https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope-fzy-native.nvim
40.10 telescope-lazy-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.utility.telescope-lazy-nvim" }
40.10.1 telescope-lazy.nvim
Telescope extension that provides handy functionality about plugins installed via lazy.nvim
Repository: https://github.com/tsakirist/telescope-lazy.nvim
40.11 telescope-live-grep-args-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.utility.telescope-live-grep-args-nvim" }
40.11.1 telescope-live-grep-args.nvim
Live grep with args
Dependencies: * ripgrep
Repository: https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope-live-grep-args.nvim
40.12 vim-fetch
{ import = "astrocommunity.utility.vim-fetch" }
40.12.1 vim-fetch
Make Vim handle line and column numbers in file names with a minimum of fuss
Repository: https://github.com/wsdjeg/vim-fetch
41 workflow
41.1 bad-practices-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.workflow.bad-practices-nvim" }
41.1.1 Bad-practices.nvim
A plugin to help give up bad practices in vim.
Repository: https://github.com/antonk52/bad-practices.nvim
41.2 hardtime-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.workflow.hardtime-nvim" }
41.2.1 hardtime.nvim
A Neovim plugin helping you establish good command workflow and habit
Repository: https://github.com/m4xshen/hardtime.nvim
41.3 precognition-nvim
{ import = "astrocommunity.workflow.precognition-nvim" }
41.3.1 precognition.nvim
precognition.nvim assists with discovering motions (Both vertical and horizontal) to navigate your current buffer
Repository: https://github.com/tris203/precognition.nvim